MDS said:
You always seem to end with that kind of statement.
I guess I'm a broken record..or perhaps too dumb to come up with something better to say...

sorry I am such a dissapointment...
If anyone can provide evidence of a cable designer who actually uses e/m theory correctly in their product as well as their marketing blurbs, I would change that sentence..unfortunately, that will not be soon, as the customers for the most part, believe the flooby stuff..and the vendors feel they require silly white papers full of errors to garner market advantage.
Note that I do not lump Belden, Carol, and a coupla other manu's in the same category, only the silly ones who profess things like prop velocity, skin smear, piezo, grain stuff, motor-generator..without a whit of reality.
MDS said:
So when can we expect to see JNeutron designed cables that get everything right?
I have already done so..where have you been?
Seriously, I have designed, built, and tested speaker wires that exceed in all categories, anything presently on the market..I can make a #4 awg equivalent speaker wire that is lower inductance, lower capacitance, higher prop speed, lowest effective delectric, better than the cables on the market.. and maintain those advantages well past 10 is actually quite trivial once the equations have been banged through and understood..after all, it's not rocket science. But it is verifiable and repeatable, based in actual em theory..Recall the cable shootouts here?..I can design and build a cable that will exceed any or all metrics in that article..don't forget, L (uH)times C(pF) =1034 times EDC, EDC never below 1...but I can get down to 1.05..
I've also made a line cord that far surpasses anything out there, for the same basic reason. It is very low inductance, low effective DC, does NOT broadcast any external field whatsoever, does not receive any, is not susceptible to ground bounce. And it was designed and made using actual e/m theory, with an understanding of how a "darn" line cord can affect the output of an amplifier..again, not magic, not rocket science..btw, the first iteration of the PC was too stiff..I hate it..but it does work at liquid helium temperatures...
To explain what I did, how I did it, and why.... requires educating the customer. Lord knows, I've tried on four forums, to little avail. Nobody has yet to understand why human differential localization is so darn non-linear, so they cannot understand how linear elements such as speaker wires can affect it.. So, without understanding, no specifications can be you want 10 milliradian resolution midband at ten feet 25 milliradians off axis?? or, 5 milliradians.. What about full spectra?? Are the radiators spaced correctly, or too close..are they point, line, planar, or dihedral/reflecting?? Is the music you're listening to mixed down using IID only, without regard to ITD?? Major diff, that one..
And all this for a market subset, small at that, where vendors are made or broken at the whim of some silly reviewer???
Nope..If you do not want to sit in the sweetspot by yourself, you do not need this exotic wirestuff..
I am happy with my 12/3 extensions with neutriks, my #24 home theater wires, my stock IEC cords, the rca's that come with the system....I do not need esoteric cables for my I do not use them..
Privateer: Maxwell's equations are invariant. There are no cables that violate them. Only marketing blurbs can violate maxwells equations..
Cheers, John
PS..besides, right now, I'm getting ready to put speaker, cat-6, telephone, cable, and just maybe fiber optic, in the walls of new construction at I'm startin to research all this..gotta have the wires in before I need them..