Have you seen it? What did you think? I blind bought this one on BD for a good price, so not really complaining. I thought it was a good film, but was a little underwhelmed compared to the hype and the whole Best Picture thing...
I really liked it. But regarding your comment about the "Best Picture", I wouldn't let the Academy raise my expectations too much. I have seen too many films that have won "Best Picture", and too many that didn't, to imagine that they are always going to pick the best, or even one that is terribly good (though they are
usually better than most films). This time around, though, I think they picked a good one. I can't think of a better film from this past year that I have seen, though I have by no means seen them all, so I can't say whether it deserved to win "Best Picture" or not.
I won't bother saying which films I think were undeserving of the award, or that I thought were bad films (which would be a shorter list, of course), as it makes little difference what one person's opinion is on such matters. Suffice it to say, the award for "Best Picture" goes to whoever gets the most votes in the process designated by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Whether you or anyone else will agree with their choice is irrelevant to who gets it. With that in mind, you should not expect to always like whatever they select as "Best Picture".