After listening to the good advice I received on this thread, I started reading around this forum and elsewhere. Some things I had not considered. For one, how I used to listen to my old 100w system back in the day. Space was limited back then and furnishings were sparse. Plus, that EQ I mentioned. I used to sit where I could work that and my system was always set up to where this put me right between the two speakers. They would be perhaps 10-12' apart and pointed right about where I would sit. This is how I used to enjoy listening to it. I can see why this is perhaps optimum for 2 channel, left ear, right ear listening.
The other things that was mentioned here was the quality of the source material and the lack of mechanical EQs these days. I had not played CD's on this Linux machine with anything than the default player. I discovered another on this system named "Audacious." It has a 10 band EQ function with a preamp effect as well. Huge difference. Although, I don't have to adjust it all the time. I may set it once for each album, or, for that genre of music at least. At least I found out that the amp and the speakers are actually capable for at least a pretty solid entry to mid level experience.
Another friend had seen my FB musings with this venture and says he will sell me his (he says it's kind of ancient) Denon AVR 3802 system for about what I paid for the speakers and he will include some of the old speakers with it if I am interested, which is 75 bucks. But then, I don't remember him being that big on audio, at least with music. Last thing I remember about Denon was some odd looking turntables with platter matter, or something like that. I really have no interest in video or the effects while watching a movie, so many of the options with this system might be overkill for my needs but if it functions like a regular stereo, I could set it up in my shop, if nothing else.
I'm still poking around this forum, found some pretty good reviews on some of the budget subs on the parts site I see mentioned here often. There is really a lot to digest with this hobby. Some of which has brought on some attention deficit disorder with the details at times.
One question I have is, and I did research some but, does an active sub have to be equal to, or larger than the bass drivers in your mains? That starts getting me into the 12-15" range. My main speakers are ported. Should the sub be ported as well, or would a sealed unit be a good contrast considering that my listening space is not that big?