New system on a $700 Budget



Junior Audioholic
I like the sound of this BIC set. I think I may just stretch for that...I already hass more than enough bass and am really only worried about my mids and trebs....

EDIT: I can get those acoustech speakers minus the sub for $722 shipped! I will probably just get those and save up the money over the next month or two for the Pioneer Reciever
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zumbo said:
I am trying to look out for your best interest. You have a budget. You can get a better small speaker to use with your sub for the money. I linked the recommended system for 1k to show you what the pros at Audioholics recommend. If the Fluance was the way to go, don't you think it would be on there. That 1k system is for tv, sub, and everything. I, along with others picked the Pioneer off that system. And the Athenas were mentioned as well.

Do a search on this sites homepage.(not the forum) You won't find squat about them. There has to be a reason no-one has reviewed them.
Just because the Micra's are in the Budget system doesn't mean they are the only viable option. You've admitted you haven't listen too them, Brian has, I think that counts for something.

There isn't going to be alot of professional reviews on a $200 speaker system. Don't know why you come off so harsh at times.


zumbo said:
I linked the recommended system for 1k to show you what the pros at Audioholics recommend. If the Fluance was the way to go, don't you think it would be on there. That 1k system is for tv, sub, and everything.
A couple of notes on this statement...
You must remember they have only reviewed some systems (and also remember that they have a few companies that pay for advertising, clearly those companies will get coverage)
Also its been awhile since I read all the AH recommended systems 1K, 5K, 10K, etc..
But I don't recall the 1K system saying its for all:confused:
Certainly not for tv...
Hold on -- I will go and check right now.....
Uhmm, no "For this reason, we have opted to leave out a TV since most budget minded entry level enthusiast will like have one already as part of their entertainment system"

Also that is not for cables and so on.
As well, do you actually think that Micra system sub would actually outperform a Cadence X-Sub?
Or even the fellows dual 10" Sony for that matter??????

IMO, I really don't think so...
BTW, for the heck of it - I have bought quite a few budget systems to help others on their quest.

Anyhow, I can only recommend them. I can't pull a gun to someones head and make them buy them.

IMO, they are about the best bang for the buck.
Also I by no means think the 25 reviewers are phony.:confused:

Like I said, I have seen professional reviews.
Should I link to them?


Rtstrider said:
I like the sound of this BIC set. I think I may just stretch for that...I already hass more than enough bass and am really only worried about my mids and trebs....

EDIT: I can get those acoustech speakers minus the sub for $722 shipped! I will probably just get those and save up the money over the next month or two for the Pioneer Reciever
That's the set I'm in the process of getting for myself, minus the sub. Will have the center tommorrow and the mains, surrounds later this month. Also have a HSU VTF3-MKII that should be here Saturday.:D


Matt34 said:
You've admitted you haven't listen too them, Brian has, I think that counts for something.
Hey Matt, I hear your sub is on the way.;)
Great, I will call later tonight.......


Junior Audioholic
Now I found the acoustech for 656 shipped...That's minus the sub...Any cheaper places that you may recommend?


Rtstrider said:
Now I found the acoustech for 656 shipped...That's minus the sub...Any cheaper places that you may recommend?
Thats not a bad price. The Acoustech's I have also tried. (do not confuse these with the regular BIC series, for the most part they were designed, specially the sub from the ground up by Dr. Hsu) And IMO, they are worth every penny.
They image very well, and have superb soundstage from the mid-lows to the highs.
There are quite a few speakers that have a hole in the sound somewhere, these do not.
However, they are not superb in the lower bass area, hence use a decent sub.

As far as imaging, I would say you would be hard pressed to find something that images better until you get in the $2000.00+ range.....


Junior Audioholic
Well does anyone know what these speakers use for connectors? IE: Bare wire, spring clips, Bannana Plugs?

EDIT: Also I will be ordering these next week as I get my paycheck friday and saturday (I work for the same company, just two different stores)


Junior Audioholic
Now I am currently using Radioshack 16 ga speaker wire, will that be suffcient for my setup, or would I be better off ordering belden?


Junior Audioholic
Also when I get the speakers, what is the best "break-in" technique for me to use? And Brian I will def call you as soon as I order those speakers, just to make sure there was nothing I missed....


Rtstrider said:
Also when I get the speakers, what is the best "break-in" technique for me to use? And Brian I will def call you as soon as I order those speakers, just to make sure there was nothing I missed....
Depending on who you ask, breaking in a speaker is just a myth. Start listening to movies and enjoy.;)


Junior Audioholic
Well that's what I was going to do anyways...Just to be honest...Just making sure I wasen't missing anything


Junior Audioholic
Now I'm going to just ebay the system...The speakers that is...Right now I have in a combined bid plus shipping if all my bids max out....The total....*drum roll* 552, That's $100 saved from buying from an etailer, now for my next 2 paychecks, they're going into the reciever....I'm not a college kid, but I am a umm....A Triangle of Tech. kid...Basically it's the computer cert courses without the all the general courses college makes you take....So while I go there (haven't started yet, I'll be starting in feb) I am also a part time computer tech....So yeah...So with that said, I don't have money just to throw around and need the best bang/buck ratio I can get....All I've read about this bic system suprisingly seems to be the same exact review copied and pasted on multiple webpages...Well other than the thread I posted the link to earlier.....Now I am currently using Radioshack 16 ga speaker wire...Is there any advantages of swapping to Belden cable? I mean other than the fact it's sleeved?

EDIT: And I am currently using a Dynex Power Conditioner. I worked at best buy last year and got it for....Well it was $139 for regular customers...But with my discount I don't have a problem violating their confidientiality agreement seeing that they told me to choose between them and school....It was $39, that's right...That's why I got it...And the difference is noticable....

EDIT #2: And no I don't even work on or near any bb facility, I work at a local computer store


zumbo said:
Glad to see you are off the Fluance brand. I was worried. See if this link may help.
This IMO is quite a poor statement for someone that not only has not heard them.
And knows nothing about them, knows nothing of their build quality, etc...
I have taken a Fluance set apart - They are very much worth the money.
I have taken a BOSE set apart. they are not worth the money...

You can keep hounding on a speaker you know nothing about, but honestly it is only making you look bad.


Audioholic Spartan
brian32672 said:
I have taken a Fluance set apart - They are very much worth the money.
I have taken a BOSE set apart. they are not worth the money..
I wil take a clock radio over Bose. I would be embarressed to say I was comparing a speaker to Bose. Just like the people who gave reviews of the Fluance, most were comparing them to Bose. While others compared them to Paradigm & MB Quart. Yeah, Right.:rolleyes:

It looks as though you want someone to purchase these speakers to make yourself feel better for owning them? I am not here to knock what you have spent your money on, but if I can help someone else not waste their money, I will try my best. Sorry I have offended you and your Fluance.:)
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Matt34 said:
You've admitted you haven't listen too them, Brian has, I think that counts for something.

There isn't going to be alot of professional reviews on a $200 speaker system. Don't know why you come off so harsh at times.
Well, for some reason he thinks the professional reviews are lying......
Anyhow, here are some reviews of Fluance speakers.

Merchant rating and customer expierence

I guess they are all lying Zumbo.

IMO, they are well worth the pricetag.........


Audioholic Spartan

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