That is a claim, yes. Whop knows how the comparison was performed with what flaws.
I find it kind of funny that people will get cars that have more power, PC's that have more power, etc. but somehow don't want to have it for their music?
I find it funny that you would use such irrelevant comparisons to try to explain yourself.
Power in just about all applications makes a big difference and that includes amplifiers.
Maybe, maybe not. You can only go so fast with your cars. I am not in a hurry to accelerate to 55 or 65mph, are you?
In other words your hearing will give out long before your speakers will.
Actually, your speakers will too as it increases distortion
, compression as you increase power, and how.
Zumbo admitted that he gained other benefits from adding an amp which is details & clarity, but somehow that's not important.
That is the claim, unverified as who knows how good his comparison protocol was, how biased he was, etc. So, it is not convincing.
If you aren't hearing all of the details of the music, than what is the point of it all?
Right. You will not hear it all. Hearing is very masking to begin with, right? Some will disappear in the rooms noise floor, etc.