I am currently preapring the cabinets for the ER18 built.
After checking the documents (special thanks to Swerd for his support!!) I decided to buy some 3" ports from Precision Ports. Unfortunately these guys do not provide any other dimensions of their ports, other than diameter and length.
The ports, once arrived, are flared type and I mean 'flared'. They look more like a horn at both ends, with flares longer than 1" (30mm). The outer diameter of the 3" ports at the exit will then be about 5"

. Does anyone have some experience with the influence on the length dimensioning inside the mass-loaded transmission line of the ER18s?
There is some allowance for the flares, but I guess those horn-like flares from PP are not considered. Alternatively I would consider to remove the flares and bevel the opening of the cabinet instead.
Appreciate your thoughts to this...