BostonMark said:
with Neil Young, but I still thought Living with War was a good album musically. He may not be able to "sing" but the man still has more emotion in his voice than two dozen of today's singers.
For the record, I'm fairly conservative myself, but if I had to believe in all the lyrics of all my favorite artists to enjoy the music, I'd have to get rid of quite a bit of my music collection!
I wrote a review of his last album for epinions if anyone is interested:
Living With War by Neil Young
Great review. It's refreshing to see someone so open-minded and respectful of opposing viewpoints nowadays.
I watched the Heart of Gold (?) DVD the other night, which shows Young's first concert after the brain aneurism and before last (before LWW) album came out. It sounded great in DTS (also has DD and 2-channel stereo). I skipped some of the more country songs, but most of the songs sounded great. I am not a "big fan," but as of late I find myself exploring different artists.
As far as LWW goes, I believe it was recorded all in 1 day, with 100 backup singers (they appear in the last track all together, but throughout the album in various parts). And as far as his politics go, I believe he was for the Patriot Act after 9/11 and was a Bush supporter. But he has changed his mind after seeing the abuses of the PA, and how the war has been (mis)managed, in his viewpoint.
I was beginning to wonder where all the protest music was, besides the choice song here and there (Green Day, Pink, Bright Eyes, Bruce Springsteen, etc.). And then comes this bombshell!