You got me there. It appears like it will take more than using audessey to do auto calibration. My knowledge is so limited that I am scared to touch anything. What would be the most non intrusive way to tweak the calibration? Can I get any professional help
That is one reason why Audyssey has so much bad reviews. It took me hours to finally get good results as confirmed by my in room frequency/phase response plots using REW. It would have been quicker if I did not do the plots but then I most likely wouldn't end up with the best possible results, but just reasonable results.
Based on the screen shots, I suggest you run Audyssey again and pay attention to the following:
1. For position 1, put your mic in your actual listening position, not in the middle of your couch.
2. Ear height is fine but if the couch back is on the high side, you have to put the mic several inches above the highest point of the couch back.
3. Keep the distance between each mic positions shorter, say 12 to 18 inches.
4. Make sure all your subwoofers filters are defeated/disabled/bypassed or if that cannot be done set any low pass filters to the maximum/highest, the phase to 0 degree and PEQ (if any) disabled/or minimum if cannot be disabled.
5. Try turning the subwoofers volume a little lower. The AVR-X6300H screen during the first step should let you know if the level is acceptable, mine shows green when it is, but be sure to set it so that it just turn green, doesn't need to be steady green. Your sub level now is -7.5 so it is okay but from my experience that is still too high, I would keep it within the range of -1 to -3 or if you like your bass hot, -3 to -5.
You don't need professional help, you just need to follow instructions and fine tune the steps listed above and/or other tips experienced users posted on forums such as the hometheatershack and possible avsforum. Professional help is only good if you are sure you have the right person.
After you run it again, please post the settings and we can go from there.