Of all movies available, I avoid the Pixar movies in the theaters simply because I can't stand kids crying, talking, running around, picking noses, kicking seats, you name it, etc... during the movie. I enjoy kids, but not at the theater normally. However, we went to X3 and ended up sitting in an entire row of children 10 and under (at least 10 or so of them) and I was absolutely dumbfounded!! They were well behaved!! And there were only TWO parents with them... They deserved an award in my book.
A few weeks ago we went to see something or other and the sound was missing from the front - dialogue was almost completely missing, like if you unplugged your center channel. I went out and asked the attendant to check it and he said "There's sound, there's nothing wrong..." Wrong answer buddy. So what do they do? The turn it up...sure, that will fix the missing channel. So I (and about 6 others) go out and complain again, they come in and listen to it and realize something is wrong, what a surprise. After a few minutes, they figure it out, and fortunately this was during the previews.