Nice speakers, I noticed the tweeters are offset. Does that mean there is a dedicated left and right speaker?
Even though it looks like there are dedicated left and right speakers, that's not why the tweeters are offset. I keep my speakers with the tweeters are closer to each other. I know other people who do the opposite.
High frequency sound coming from tweeters interacts with cabinet edges, causing small peaks and valleys in the frequency range of about 4 to 8 kHz. The exact frequency is determined by the distance from the tweeter to the cabinet edge.
If the tweeter is centered in a tall narrow cabinet such as this one, there will be two tweeter-to-edge distances that are the same, creating the possibility of larger peaks and valleys. If the tweeter is slightly off center there will be two slightly different tweeter-to-edge distances. They may generate more peaks and valleys, but they will be smaller in amplitude.
The reason for an off-set tweeter is generally similar to why there are rounded over the edges on a speaker cabinet. It's a nice touch, especially the way that Salk does it with hardwood edges, and makes a small difference in the
measurable sound. As with off-center tweeters, the effect of rounded edges can be measured, but it is not known just how audible a difference it makes.