Started with centre channel horn no reason to start with it first its just there.
Cleared yesterdays PEQ settings in the DCX2496 and started fresh again only adding a lower crossover slope Butterworth -6db 3.04Khz added in some PEQ at 3.04Khz with Q quality 1.4 then lowed the gain level down -10.0db and with each testing I raised the amplifier gain to compensate for lower SPL db level.
Then added in LPF 12db 8.32Khz lowered gain by -5.0db
Checked the sweep which isn't here as I deleted it and its the last sweep test I checked that may get altered again.
I added in HPF 12db at 607Hz lowered gain down -15.0db and raised amplifier gain up to compensate and gave it a listen with STAR TREK The motion picture laserdisc DVD-RW theatrical Dolby Stereo mix.
Better its better. But will have to double back check with crossover slope even though the lower, lower Hz isn't going to break the driver its far too lower down.
I still need to take one many other JBL 2371 horns with 2416H 8ohm and do a direct frequency sweep of all the other amplifiers I have to see which one is flatter on the high end?
Guessing the new Behringer inuke3000 thou a gentle amount of gain power will be used as I don't want to nuke my JBL horns.
Then again might be one my vintage Marantz 1050 that has flat earth frequency high end?

I have to check them all and that is going to take several hours of direct pc to amp testing.