Well as dan said, hotspotting will prove more of a distraction than an immersion. I used 5.x for a long time, and even with just surround speakers, I had plenty of of occasions where it sounded like things were behind me.
Now that you describe hotspotting like that. I remember that I've actually heard that a long time ago when I was younger and experimenting with a cheap surround sound. I really disliked it and therefor never bought a surround sound because of it(Since I was young and thought that's how it was suppose to sound).
I went ahead and pulled the trigger on a set of Klipsch(2 8000F's, 504C, and 2 600M's). I will buy the sub/subs in a couple months(Most likely going with the Rhythmik 's).
I know need to read about optimal speaker placement, mainly for the rear's. Any other advice for speaker set up/placement would be appreciated.
I'm now having second thoughts about the rear speakers since it's a small space, would it be better to go with the RP-502S instead of the 600M? There is about 7 feet from the center of the couch where I would be sitting to the wall, I'm assuming the 600M will take up 1 foot so there would be about 6 feet of space between me and the rears.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!