You will just have to do the bias controlled tests to find out. No point in trying to talk me out of it. I've actually done the bias controlled tests. When you've done them, come back and we'll talk about it. Until then I can only question what you say for good reason. If you won't accept the science, then I won't accept the bias and preference.
I experienced a difference and posted them here: "
My attempt to compare an Outlaw 7500 and a Parasound A51" (Take note of the thread title).
I did my best to explain it what I did, my equipment, my methodology, and what I heard.
No claim was made that this was indicative of any larger truth.
Nor am I attempting to create a settled science.
Honestly, I was not convince you of anything.
Why don't you start a thread called something like "
My findings indicate that all amps sound the same"?
Clearly you feel this way and you have proof.
Please post your equipment, signal path, the amps, the types of attendees, and the seating.
Also, it would be helpful to include a room measurements as this is also critical to the validity of your results.
Also recommended is the list of music selections, volume levels, and duration.
I fully accept science and I am uninterested in amp measurements and improving them.
You position seems to be, I did a DBT and I have determined that all amps sound the same.
Maybe there is a place for a site DBTs.COm. Amps are reviewed with measurements power into load;
Nothing else matters than
The DBT motto: If our panel cannot hear it, it does not matter.
Last time I checked include measurements and subjective reviews.
Should they remove their subjective reviews because they are flawed and misleading to the public at large
- Rich