It was mentioned that on another thread that Gene said that even DBT's can be setup to skew to results to the presenter’s product. I have photos of some where the speakers are clearly not full range. It may represent the mainstream but it has little relevance to many systems found here.
For me, this all started when I helped my brother-in-law put together are preamp-less 2-channel system consisting of an Oppo BDP-105 and two Outlaw M2200 mono-block for his B&W CM’s. It sounded much better than the Pioneer SC-25/Oppo BDP-83 that it replaced.</SPAN>
I was impressed so I invited him and another friend over for an HT play date.
The other guy brought his Focal Electra 1008’s over as well.
First, we listened to the Salons with my Sunfire 7400 and then with the in the M2200’s.
After playing the M2200 for a while without comment, we all had the same reaction. The M2200’s sounded much better; It was not even close, the Sunfire was strident and harsh on some recording. Trust me; this is not where my bias would have led me or anyone else in the room </SPAN>J</SPAN></SPAN>
This fortunate event set me forth on the search for a new amp: Outlaw 7500, ATI2005, and now. the Parasound A51. When I first bought the Outlaw and plugged it into the Panamax power conditioner and it also sounded harsh. Annoyed, I went to bed. </SPAN>
t would be reasonable to assume that either this is a bias problem or this amp is defective. There is nothing I can do about that so I looked for another answer. So, I began to ask: what was different?
Then, it came to me; I had plugged the M2200's directly into the wall.
I plugged the 7500 directly into the wall, and it sounded a whole lot better. Inline, with what I remember coming from the M2200. I chose a Lady Gaga song that goes from unlistenable to just awful when properly amplified </SPAN>L</SPAN></SPAN>
It isn't always the best science to say that something cannot be.
Sometimes, it is best to say, if it is, then why is that?
For SS amps, these items remain open unanswered:</SPAN>
- Does the first watt matter?
(This is where I spend the vast majority of my time)</SPAN>
- Does Class-A bias help at low listening levels?
(the A51, ATI3005 have more and I liked them better than others I have tried)</SPAN>
- Do the input stage components color the sound?
(Parasound claims they do, are they full of it?)
- Are THD+N enough since it includes artifacts within a 250 HZ and does not include other harmonic?
- Do traditional measurements truly represent the distortion and performance of amps driving complex waveforms into actual speaker loads?
Proving once again, a fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer.
I would like to see more exhaustive amplifier testing because it helps the OCD nature of the hobby.
Then, we can say. Thank god, I knew my amp sounds fantastic. Now, there are measurements to prove it.
Finally, I can just sit back and enjoy the show.</SPAN>
- Rich</SPAN>