"Maybe that should read: Morality
Dems. do not think morally when drafting laws."
Listen your morality is not mine. Live an let live none of these issues effect you. If gay people get married what will happen to your life???? Your god based morality is obsolete. I base mine on the golden rule

...remember that??
As for SS reform the reason the Dems have not come back is because its not as urgent as W makes it out to his sheep. I agree that it does need to be reformed but putting the money in the hands of uneducated and worse uninformed is not the way. everything he does is to help big bussiness and this is the same. Help out the investment industry because god knows they don't have any money. You realize you can have nesteggs that can be passed on to you next of kin without going this far right?? A middle ground needs to be found here but I guess I can't expect reason a puppet.
As for illegal immigrants I absolutly think we need to strengthen up the borders in a big way. Maybe we could allocate some of the money used to persecute the users of a substance less harmful to society and the body then alcohol and tobacco?? Or better yet lets tax the crap out of tobacco even more to fund it.
On the health care of these
PEOPLE issue I am all for it. I know you don't like to think about it but these people are poor and with out the fortune to have been born in the US. I for one care about other humans. I know its a hard concept to grasp but I don't mind if my taxes go to people in need. Call me crazy
So I do agree with controling the borders MUCH better but I would not deny a fellow
HUMAN health care if they are here.