I'm setting up a stereo/CD only music only system and am looking for recommendations as to Companies who are good to work with and Speaker models I might wish to consider.
The room is 15 x20' and opens into a kitchen that adds another 20' to the overall length. I've set up with Axiom M2i's as a trial system, they're 44" from the rear wall and 7' apart, my listening position is 11-12' from the centerline- they're impressive, so Axiom is already on my short list.
I also have a Paradigm PW2200 sub in the mix and it will stay.
I would describe myself more as a music lover than an Audiophile- I'm looking for an involving and enjoyable experience with mostly acoustic music. By that I mean not electronically enhanced- not that I don't enjoy electronic music, it's just that acoustic is my 'Gold Standard', if the system sounds great with that, than IMHO, everything else will sound just fine.
My budget is flexible, I can afford to get anything that I feel would be of value, but given that these little Axiom's are a good 90% of the way to what I want, I'm thinking that I don't really have to sink ten grand plus into speakers for a musically satisfying system. I mostly listen to eclectic world music, jazz, and classical- in terms of jazz, I particularly like the 30-50's stuff.
If I might request, that rather than just reply "Super-Blatt 250's", that you mention the nature of your experience with them and why you would suggest them.
Oh yeah.. the rest of the system currently is a Rotel RCD-1070 - CD player and Roksan Kandy amp, so I've got plenty of power. I am eyeing that new Outlaw Stereo Receiver, the RR2150.
Thanks in advance!!