Music Only Speaker Recommendations



Junior Audioholic
Rob Babcock said:
I realize this is a bit off topic, but have you heard of the "sheaths" that you can get from a vet? Basically they cover your kitty's claws with little plastic safety sheaths that don't harm or both the cat in any way. Supposedly they hardly notice them. Plus, you can even get any sort of gay-arsed color you like.:p Many vets have sounded off in favor of this product as very humane and effective.
Hi, not to hijack my own thread :D but I'm afraid my guys would just chew them off. One in particular love to be up high and sheaths wouldn't change that. We've got plenty of approved scratching stuff around and normally it's not an issue, but I'm afraid that Maggies would be just too tempting- though I haven't completely ruled out the MMG's .


Audioholic Spartan
Sarius said:
Hi, not to hijack my own thread :D but I'm afraid my guys would just chew them off. One in particular love to be up high and sheaths wouldn't change that. We've got plenty of approved scratching stuff around and normally it's not an issue, but I'm afraid that Maggies would be just too tempting- though I haven't completely ruled out the MMG's .
I agree. I am a cat owner as well. I wanted B&W 805's. But, with speakers on stands, I was certain they would get knocked over. So I went with towers. I also made sure the drivers were in the top of the speaker, just incase. I caught one cat clawing one time. Gave her a little tap with a loud NO, and took her to the scratch post. No more problem.


i recently heard the vienna accoustics bach grand and the mozart grand, and for the money difference between the 2 preferred the bach, but both sounded very, very good, with exceptional imaging and soundstage. i only wish the dealer carried some of the speakers up in the line from the mozart for further comparison.

also recently heard the paradigm signature flagship which is worth a listening session.


Audioholic Jedi
zumbo said:
I agree. I am a cat owner as well. I wanted B&W 805's. But, with speakers on stands, I was certain they would get knocked over. So I went with towers. I also made sure the drivers were in the top of the speaker, just incase. I caught one cat clawing one time. Gave her a little tap with a loud NO, and took her to the scratch post. No more problem.
:eek: All of my speakers are on stands and I don't have a problem with my cats at all. The speakers are tall enough that they don't really try to get up there, not to mention each speaker weighs 38lbs and each stand is 26lbs unfilled....They aren't going anywhere :)


Audioholic Samurai
.....I just say we're lucky house cats ain't three foot tall at the shoulders......


Audioholic Slumlord
Don't forget to feed em

mulester7 said:
.....I just say we're lucky house cats ain't three foot tall at the shoulders......

yeah.. good thing. I can't afford to keep a beast like that well fed and I know I'm next in the food line


Audioholic Warlord
There is only one place for cats in this world...... Under my car! :D :D :D

I'm just kidding. Don't PM me. I have a dog, that acts like a cat(pug). Sleeps all day, does nothing.



Speaker search

Sarius said:

I'm setting up a stereo/CD only music only system and am looking for recommendations as to Companies who are good to work with and Speaker models I might wish to consider.

The room is 15 x20' and opens into a kitchen that adds another 20' to the overall length. I've set up with Axiom M2i's as a trial system, they're 44" from the rear wall and 7' apart, my listening position is 11-12' from the centerline- they're impressive, so Axiom is already on my short list.

I also have a Paradigm PW2200 sub in the mix and it will stay.

I would describe myself more as a music lover than an Audiophile- I'm looking for an involving and enjoyable experience with mostly acoustic music. By that I mean not electronically enhanced- not that I don't enjoy electronic music, it's just that acoustic is my 'Gold Standard', if the system sounds great with that, than IMHO, everything else will sound just fine.

My budget is flexible, I can afford to get anything that I feel would be of value, but given that these little Axiom's are a good 90% of the way to what I want, I'm thinking that I don't really have to sink ten grand plus into speakers for a musically satisfying system. I mostly listen to eclectic world music, jazz, and classical- in terms of jazz, I particularly like the 30-50's stuff.

If I might request, that rather than just reply "Super-Blatt 250's", that you mention the nature of your experience with them and why you would suggest them.

Oh yeah.. the rest of the system currently is a Rotel RCD-1070 - CD player and Roksan Kandy amp, so I've got plenty of power. I am eyeing that new Outlaw Stereo Receiver, the RR2150.

Thanks in advance!!
What speakers did you finally purchase?

Did you think AAD S-7 sounds better than C-880 tower 3-way speakers.


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Junior Audioholic
I say give the M60's a trial.with a sub they are incrediable for music.

I was considering Paradigm,PSB,and Revel but figured I'd try out the Axioms first as the risk was only abut $28 return shipping.

I did not think they would win me over as much as the Paradigm Monitor 11s or the Studio 60.

I was struck by the M60's clear midrange and treble but the wide soundstage when listening to music is what won me over.

Im sure the M80's would sound better in a large room but they need more power and i did not feel like comitting to another upgrade at the present time.

If you liked the Axioms you had set up try the floorstang Axioms.i believe they all share some drivers.
you have practically nothing to lose but there is a good possibility you will have spent alot less then some of the models you mention.

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