Music Only Speaker Recommendations



Full Audioholic
papostol said:
I just received my new NHT Classic 2s and they are trully awesome! I sold a pair of Paradigm Studio 60s for a new NHT Classic system. I haven't received the Classic 3s yet but the 2s are very impressive.

I'm glad I sold the Paradigms for these. An outstanding value!
Those are some gorgeous looking speakers, the new NHT classics..i herd good things about em



Looks like we have somewhat similar tastes in music. Aside from my current speakers, the ones I've been impressed with for playing that era of jazz, as well as other formats have been the Epos M5($650), Magnapan MMG($550), NHT SB-3 ($600), and the Infinity Primus 360($660). Check them out.


Junior Audioholic
Tex-amp said:
IMO the Ascend 170 is better than the M22i. The Ascend 340 has better mids and separation of detail than the M60.

I'm going to guess that this is just an opinion and has no basis in fact???:eek:


Audioholic Jedi
littleb said:
I'm going to guess that this is just an opinion and has no basis in fact???:eek:
Of course it is, but I agree with it. :) The M22 will have better sensitivity and bass, but for clarity and depth, I'd take the Ascends. I haven't heard the 340s yet, but comparing my former A/V-1s to my A/V-2s (which would be a similar jump from 170s to 340s), I'd expect about the same level of performance increase with the same clean sound.


Senior Audioholic
littleb said:
Tex-amp said:
IMO the Ascend 170 is better than the M22i. The Ascend 340 has better mids and separation of detail than the M60.

I'm going to guess that this is just an opinion and has no basis in fact???:eek:
Listen to both and decide for yourself. Is it I fact because a fully believe it or just my opinion? In case you don't know that IMO I led the sentence off with stands for in my opinion.


Audioholic Samurai
anything at all to offer?

littleb said:
Tex-amp said:
IMO the Ascend 170 is better than the M22i. The Ascend 340 has better mids and separation of detail than the M60.

I'm going to guess that this is just an opinion and has no basis in fact???:eek:
it gets old when anyone says that "ANYTHING" sounds different or better as soon as they do they are confronted with posts like this:(

im curious as to the reason for this type of reply?


Junior Audioholic
Please excuse me! I didn't know that my speakers were crap. I now stand corrected and bow down to the great God, Ascend.:D


Junior Audioholic
littleb said:
Please excuse me! I didn't know that my speakers were crap. I now stand corrected and bow down to the great God, Ascend.:D
Whoa Guys!!! don't hijack my thread!!! It's really different strokes for different folks or...... as Rodney King said "Can't we please all get along":eek:

Now... back to suggesting some great speakers for me.:)

I've added several to my 'must listen' list based on this thread, so this has been very useful to me. I really do want to hear the Ascend 350 SE M's, but the problem is that it'll be about two months before that will be possible. They seem to be sold out and are taking backorders for April delivery :(

Meanwhile I've dialed in my M2i's (note NOT M22's) and they sound pretty darn good, so I can live with them for several months while making my mind up. I have found that a local dealer stocks the Vienna Acoustic Mozart's, so I want to get down and listen to them. Based on reviews, they seem to be an option. So far, I'm making a fairly long list and then based on reviews and opinions will winnow it down to 5-6 that I really want to listen too.

BTW- I agree that once Stereo came in during the 50's, the sound quality took a big jump, especially if the Master Tapes are still available. There is a lot of fantastic music prior to that that will never exist again- for example I've got the Mosiac remaster of Jack Teagarden and Bix Beiderbecke sessions that are musically great but very hard to listen to on a ruthless system, Mosiac got the best sources available and really did a great job... but with music of this era, there is only so much one can do.

Another example is a CD I've got of John Lee Hooker live performances. Lord knows what they recorded them with, but it's really JLH in the raw in his natural environment, a cheap bar strumming and growling away. While the audio quality is crap, the music is great and not at all like what he's done in a studio.

Now note, that I like really good studio performances with state of the art equipment too, I'm giving these as examples of the more challenging recordings that I would like to enjoy on occation.


Junior Audioholic
AudioArcher said:
Looks like we have somewhat similar tastes in music. Aside from my current speakers, the ones I've been impressed with for playing that era of jazz, as well as other formats have been the Epos M5($650), Magnapan MMG($550), NHT SB-3 ($600), and the Infinity Primus 360($660). Check them out.
Thanks, Epos was on my list, but I'll check out the NHT's. The problem with "Maggies" is that I've got cats....:eek: I'm I suspect they might might not survive (and it's not clear exactly which 'they' I mean:D )

I'll look further into the Infinities also, I've come to associate the brand with Circuit City/HT stuff, but I hear you saying that might not be quite fair.


Senior Audioholic
littleb said:
Please excuse me! I didn't know that my speakers were crap. I now stand corrected and bow down to the great God, Ascend.:D
They aren't crap. I just think there are other speakers with better performance in the same price range. The Axioms are better than many other speakers in their price range.


Audioholic Spartan
I prefer the B&W 800's over the 700's in any comparable model. But, either line is better than any other speaker I have heard. I love 'em, but can't afford 'em. 800 Series 700 Series

I just saw this new line for the first time. I am off to see if my dealer has them yet.:eek: :D Custom Theatre 800


Junior Audioholic
zumbo said:
I prefer the B&W 800's over the 700's in any comparable model. But, either line is better than any other speaker I have heard. I love 'em, but can't afford 'em.

I just saw this new line for the first time. I am off to see if my dealer has them yet.:eek: :D
Thanks, Based on review, the 704 is on my 'listen to' list, and I'll make sure to listen to the 800's while I'm there.


Audioholic Spartan
Sarius said:
Thanks, Based on review, the 704 is on my 'listen to' list, and I'll make sure to listen to the 800's while I'm there.
Take time to notice the seperation of the instruments and vocals in the 800's vs the 700's. This is the main difference I noticed. The price reflects this detail.


Audioholic Ninja
I'd better chip in my 2 cents. I think you should also give these brands a listen:

Sonus Faber (seem a lil pricy for the sound, but still excellent)
Status Acoustics
Phase Technology


Audioholic Spartan
704 $1099.95 ea
Freq. Response 40Hz – 25kHz ±3dB on reference axis
Freq. Range -6dB at 30Hz and 50kHz

703 $1499.95 ea
Freq. Response 38Hz – 25kHz ±3dB on reference axis
Freq. Range -6dB at 30Hz and 50kHz

804S $1999.95 ea
Freq. Response 38Hz - 22kHz ±3dB on reference axis
Freq. Range -6dB at 30Hz and 50kHz

803S $2750.00 ea
Freq. Response 35Hz - 22kHz ±3dB on reference axis
Freq. Range -6dB at 28Hz and 50kHz

803D $3999.95 ea
Freq. Response 35Hz - 28kHz ±3dB on reference axis
Freq. Range -6dB at 28Hz and 33kHz


Sarius said:
Thanks, Based on review, the 704 is on my 'listen to' list, and I'll make sure to listen to the 800's while I'm there.

Well, I believe you are going to like the B&W 703’s better than the 704’s. As far as the 800 series, I thought they were very detailed, but I found them fatiguing after a while. This is why I think the 703’s are a great speaker, albeit a bit overpriced IMO.


I just finished my exhaustive search for speakers as well. My favorite two brands for music were Magnepan (1.6QR's were the mains I auditioned) and Anthony Gallo Acoustics Reference 3's. Both have a very wide sound stage with accurate acoustics.

When bi-amped the Ref. 3's had deeper extension which I opted for since I plan to use my set up for HT. Additionally, I went with the Ref 3s because acoustically I did not have enough space for the Maggies. Everything I heard about the Maggies dictated they were picky with room placement and surrounding surfaces and in a very small New York apartment, it wasn't something I wanted to deal with.

I was thrilled at my first experience with the Ref. 3s expecially becasue they are a full range speaker 20Hz-20Khz+ when you bi-amp them. I felt that for their performance they outperformed everything else in their class. For comparison I auditioned Quads, Maggies, Mirage, Energy, Def Tech, Klipsch, Vandersteen, and really all of the regular big names you will find at your local retailers.

I spent over a year auditioning before I settled on the Ref. 3s. If you can find a dealer close by I suggest you give them a chance.


Junior Audioholic

How long have you been living with your Gallo Reference 3's? How are they in your home vs. what they sounded like in the store? They have been reviewed very well, and I think there is a dealer nearby. I have been interested in the Magnapans, but with my fully armed cats, large expanses of vertical fabric aren't a good idea- and no, declawing is not an option. I think that one of them in particular is the reincarnation of Mallory, the climber who when asked why he wanted he wanted to climb Everest replied "Because it's there";)

He ends up on top of everything!

My next major decision is Monitor vs. Tower- I think I'll start another thread for that one.
Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

I realize this is a bit off topic, but have you heard of the "sheaths" that you can get from a vet? Basically they cover your kitty's claws with little plastic safety sheaths that don't harm or both the cat in any way. Supposedly they hardly notice them. Plus, you can even get any sort of gay-arsed color you like.:p Many vets have sounded off in favor of this product as very humane and effective.

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