littleb said:
Please excuse me! I didn't know that my speakers were crap. I now stand corrected and bow down to the great God, Ascend.
Whoa Guys!!! don't hijack my thread!!! It's really different strokes for different folks or...... as Rodney King said "Can't we please all get along"
Now... back to suggesting some great speakers for me.
I've added several to my 'must listen' list based on this thread, so this has been very useful to me. I really do want to hear the Ascend 350 SE M's, but the problem is that it'll be about two months before that will be possible. They seem to be sold out and are taking backorders for April delivery
Meanwhile I've dialed in my M2i's (note NOT M22's) and they sound pretty darn good, so I can live with them for several months while making my mind up. I have found that a local dealer stocks the Vienna Acoustic Mozart's, so I want to get down and listen to them. Based on reviews, they seem to be an option. So far, I'm making a fairly long list and then based on reviews and opinions will winnow it down to 5-6 that I really want to listen too.
BTW- I agree that once Stereo came in during the 50's, the sound quality took a big jump, especially if the Master Tapes are still available. There is a lot of fantastic music prior to that that will never exist again- for example I've got the Mosiac remaster of Jack Teagarden and Bix Beiderbecke sessions that are musically great but very hard to listen to on a ruthless system, Mosiac got the best sources available and really did a great job... but with music of this era, there is only so much one can do.
Another example is a CD I've got of John Lee Hooker live performances. Lord knows what they recorded them with, but it's really JLH in the raw in his natural environment, a cheap bar strumming and growling away. While the audio quality is crap, the music is great and not at all like what he's done in a studio.
Now note, that I like really good studio performances with state of the art equipment too, I'm giving these as examples of the more challenging recordings that I would like to enjoy on occation.