Why don't you head on over to www.hydrogenaudio.org and learn how to conduct a proper comparison?
Really? I really can't tell you that I'm a scientist who is well aware that the truest form of meaningful comparison is a
double blind multi-center cohort study that includes a sample size large enough to render the p value with enough power to be statistically significant, while accounting for variables that might bias the study, including type I and II errors, selection bias, insufficiently powered p value, etc. If I could, I would tell you that not only am I comfortable with these concepts, I have designed research protocols using this model. Did your darling little web site design a study with these features? When they do, let me know and I'll be more than happy to enjoy reading their research. I am allowed to tell you that you miss the point, my enlightened collegue. Music is more than simply AB testing. The best designed study still struggles to eliminate bias. Music is ALL ABOUT BIAS. No matter what any study says, on my system, in my house, to my ears, MP3 are crap. If that offends you, then you care too much. Like they say here, "enjoy the music". Or as I would say, "No problem, man!"
MDS, ditto on that uncompressed rate. my bad.