OK, Privateer. I guess you are looking for an argument. The discussion has been very civil until now. Normally I would resist but what the hey, I'll bite.
Are you that cheap were you can not afford and extra $10 for a superior cable?
Um no. First what does being cheap, which I am not by any means, and not being able to afford something have to do with one another? 2nd, no I am not cheap. I simply don't see why I would want to spend money on a more expensive cable when the one I have is fine and why would I spend more money for the same thing at a higher price? 3rd, Are you that shallow, materialistic and insecure that you have to spend more money on fancier cables to show off to your friends, if you have any, that you have a better system than them?

Oh, and since you require it of me below, do you have proof that the Blue Jean cable is a superior cable? Huh? What? None? Ok, let's move on.
Not at hand but why don't you run down to your local Radio Shack and take a look for yourself. Hell since money is not an issue for you, buy both of them and see for yourself. Cut them apart and see. Maybe you can even email Radio Shack. Although, I doubt they will admit to it since they are charging more for the same thing. That might be construed as deceptive.
No you may not be anti-blue jeans cable but you are cheap beyond respect and one who can not see quality
Again, how does paying less for something that for me offers the same performance mean I am cheep? Not quite following your faulty logic there skippy. And yes, I can see quality. However, I am also in the "camp" that believes cables do not have any audible effect on sound, barring defects. I have never heard a difference. Tell you what, show me where any of these cable companies including Radio Shack has proven and has supporting documentation that there is an "audible" difference between their cables and others. Go on, go find that information. May I suggest you put a pot of coffee on before you start your search. It will be a long night.
So now that you have shown your true colors run along. I can only assume you were looking for a confrontation by insulting me and now I have responded. End of confrontation. Tit for Tat and nothing more. Move one.
Oh, I will however be waiting for that documentation I challenged you to find.
Have a good night!