Mr Lee.....
Really? I mean.....REALLY??
After the mess you've made, and the $183,000. you've cost us so far.....
You come to this forum and ask us for more money????
$100. per month, per franchise, is $2,200. per month, and you say it's not about money?
Here's a better idea.....Leave us alone.....Live and let live.
We would like you to stop opposing the "Monster Mini Golf" mark that the USPTO already granted us.
We would then like you to reimbuse us for the crippling legal fees that we have had to accrue as a result of your actions.
Just clean up your mess, get us back to zero, and let's all get on with our lives.
You have already ruined Christmas for us, and the emotional damage that you have caused for my wife so far can never be undone. She is crying even as I write.
-Patrick Vitagliano
If you are in for $183K, There are really only two ways to get your $$ back. Settlement that includes your legal fees and your name intact or once you have them running scared, see it through, run them right off the cliff. After that you will be surprised to see how quickly the emotional healing will be. Vindication and a court awarded judgment have a way of putting a smile on ones face.
Even a penny of licensing fees is a penny too much.
What is funny is this is most likely their 'Modus Operandi'. Try and get the defendants to a certain pain threshold, and then offer a simple "we'll license your name back to you" for very little $$. This sets them up to own your name and then use it for their next victim. While keeping the settlement terms sealed OF COURSE.
I cannot even begin to fathom the emotional/financial toll that this is taking on you. This offer is one made out of disrespect for you and your efforts. He is a poker player that has a weak hand and has abused you with a superior chip stack. He is now afraid of that final card falling because he truly knows what it means.
Mr. Lee; rescind the gag order on all your dealings with MMG thus far. Only criminals and bullies fear the light of truth.
Your in house legal counsel, David Tognotti, directly lied to me about MC still pursuing Kurt Denke/BJC. You lied to the general audio enthusiast public in
post 47 when you you said:
"If they were a small family owned business, that would not bother us because the dilution is minimal. Monster Mini Golf is a franchise business that goes across 10 states, fully intentioned to go national.
What dilution? Diluting the word MONSTER? With clothing and winter sports? It's no dilution, it's delusional and abusive!

You are very insulting.
Exhibit 1:
Exhibit 2: Snow Monsters
So answer this ONE question: Do you or do you not go after small privately owned companies that have no relation to your industry?
It's a direct question, a simple yes/no will suffice.