Thanks for the explanation, I don't think it needed an apology (not to me anyway!). I was secretly hoping (unlikely though I knew it to be) that you'd found the go faster button...!
The "correction factor" and the numbers being out "by a factor of" 3.16 sounded a bit odd (is that loose use of language for factor?) but I guess it may make sense if you have to derive it using the method you describe. I thought the QA480 was touted as having 12dB of gain not 10, but I know all I know about that just from their webpage for the product, so I defer to you on that.
Using whole number test stimulus (ie 0dbFS played through at 0 on the master volume) I think I only saw about 4.08V RMS, before clipping, but admittedly I didn't try increasing the MV to +1dB and using -1dBFS tones + 0.1dB increments to find exactly the point that yields clipping of the waveform (I just know that 0dBFS tone with MV at +1dB is clipped).
Product like the QA401/480 I guess is a double edged sword; it's great in that you get access to functionality that is typically only available in more expensive equipment, but some of that and the way features are implemented comes at the cost of extra complication that gives you enough rope to hang with!

Though once you get it right you are perhaps likely understand it better for not having had it done for you...
Anyway, thanks for including measurements in your review, it's nice to see this side of things getting a bit more coverage than has typically been the case.