She told me to move the screen to the garage so I guess its home is not here.
If you notice, the tractor trailers transporting those "blades" travel in 3's as there are 3 blades per windmill.
About time you do some work, it's good for you or so I heard.
I find the funniest part of your visit occured at the AV store. The comment you made- sticks in my head for some resaon and makes me laugh.
We were looking at a room full of DLPs and then we walked into a room with a "torch mode" LCD playing HD. There was a movie playing that had a chicken running around. Alex simply looked at the display and said "Man that looks so good, I could eat that chicken". He just seemed so serious when he said it, it wasn't a joke or anything but it was funny.
I am glad Alex enjoyed the AV store. After he left I expressed to Carolyn that I was somewhat disappointed in the store. I have stayed out of there for the past year but a lot has changed in that year. They used to have a lot more gear in there. It was always full of the entire lines of B&W, Paradigm, DT, MA, Velodyne, Anthem, Mark Levingston, Rotel, McIntosh. Now it seems like they have about half the gear and mostly mid-line Paradigm and B&W speakers and Pioneer and Yammy AVRs along with a lot of McIntosh stuff. The main focus looks to be flat panel displays and big DLPs. The owner's Son, who was my contact there, also has left the store.
After I thought about this the next day, I understood that it is just a sign of the times and assume that this "adaption" is what has kept this store in business for >30 years.
One thing I wanted to do and forgot about was to take you to see Toby. Toby is a custom speaker maker that has been around here for a million years. He builds all his stuff by hand and is a very strange little man. His stuff is not that pretty but it is interesting and sounds so good it will make you cry. You would enjoy talking to him and listening to his stuff.
That's a long drive.
I'm like the guest who wouldn't leave.
I hope that screen finds a home but it just couldn't stay in Oklahoma any longer.

Now it's your problem.
Totally unrelated but this is the 2nd or 3rd time that I've seen 100 foot long propeller blades strapped to a tractor trailer. I guesstimated the length but they are long. They have to be for one of those wind farm power sources.
Lots to do here. I'm gonna have to treat this like a 10 or a 12 hour a day job for my remaining time here to really make an impact. They want to move the home theater on top of everything else.Tomorrow is gonna be all about business.
Where's Adam?