

Seriously, I have no life.
MacManNM said:
mtrycrafts said:

If God, aliens, or telepathy don't exist, then the onus is on you to disprove it. If you can't, I suggest you let others have their beliefs, and not chastise them for those beliefs.

Hogwash. We can set up experiments of speculations that are falsifiable but not those that cannot be. So far, no evidence exists for any one of those silly ideas.

By the way, can you prove any of the above speculated phenomenons??? Don't dance around it, prove it or cite evidence by others, credible evidence, not bogus stuff


Seriously, I have no life.
markw said:
IOW, show me the aliens.

But fortunarely, we live i na free country. You can believe in aliens if you choose. Hoqwever, should you claim their existance as a fact, be prepared to have one present when you say so.

I'd be happy to see some evidence leading to them, something left behind, credible pictures, etc.


Audioholic Samurai
.....guys, how much sense does it make, that every last person who has reported being abducted by aliens is nutty?.....


mtrycrafts said:
Lame. Please show some evidence for aliens we are talking about abducting people. There is plenty of evidence, credible, for your pee poor parallels you are trying to use. Worse than you other boo-boo. :mad:
Again, why should I have to prove anything? The point is to let people have their beliefs without chastising them. I don't believe in alien abductions, but if someone else does, I'm not going to make fun of them. Dude, you have problems, get some help.


Audioholic Samurai
.....boys, you shoulda' heard a system of floor-standers I experienced on a Mother-Ship back in '02.....


mulester7 said:
.....boys, you shoulda' heard a system of floor-standers I experienced on a Mother-Ship back in '02.....

I can't stop laughing.........good one mule.


Audioholic Samurai
MacManNM said:
I can't stop laughing
.....then I would have to say mission accomplished, Mac....keeping things light overall is something I have seen to be a good and necessary thing as I've is serious enough to not at least mix in a degree of lightness, and that has become something I am going to see to....even this hobby we love can get too serious sometimes, with upgraditis being a major foe....I have a surround situation well covered with sub applications, and the taking of the frequency response to full range has been accomplished, therefore, everything I run through my system has clarity and definition....90% of the usage of my system is watching TV at moderate levels that can still be talked over, but when I want to alert the neighbors, it's there....try to talk yourself out of every upgrade that comes to your mind as you make sure your family is well taken care of....and make sure your mate has every opportunity to respect you, because loss of respect, is what kills this mysterious thing we call love, imo....keep it light, Gentlemen, enough heavy will surely find you as it is......


Audioholic Samurai
MacManNM said:
If God, aliens, or telepathy don't exist, then the onus is on you to disprove it. If you can't, I suggest you let others have their beliefs, and not chastise them for those beliefs.
The result of allowing the free[unchallenged] propogation and spreading of speculations? Countless others. Such places are virtually worthless for real information, the real information is buried under mountains of bull_s_h_i_t.

Why does science require observations under a statistically valid and controlled scenario? Efficiency. It is the only[and best] known way to efficiently solve problems and make real advances. To accept[or respect] unsubstantiated speculation(s) on par, or anywhere near on par with data that is extrapolated or directly proven with valid scientific principles is not efficient.

If people here don't like the objective atmosphere presented on this forum, perhaps they should move on to a place that does not typically require unsubstantiated claims to be proven to be probable. Or would you rather see this forum turn into one of the virtual information trash bins as mentioned earlier in this reply? That's the most probable outcome if unsubstantiated claims are left unchallenged and treated as equal to real information.



Audioholic Samurai
.....I STILL, experience chillbumps and occassional wet eyes, over music my ears experience....some persons HAVE NEVER, and WILL NEVER, experience such outward manifestations....about everyone will tap a foot, pat fingers on occassion, or sit very still, but through observance, that's about as far as they ever get experiencing the universal language, music....this makes me thankful, for what appears to have been incorporated into my very soul, accessed through the windows of my are you going to measure that with a scope or meter?....the most repeated and celebrated phrase at this site is, "the ears decide"....if it ever comes to, "the scopes decide," that's when this site will be saturated by the absence of 99.9% of the readership I suspect, and will die.....


Audioholic Samurai
mulester7 said:
.....I STILL, experience chillbumps and occassional wet eyes, over music my ears experience....some persons HAVE NEVER, and WILL NEVER, experience such outward manifestations....about everyone will tap a foot, pat fingers on occassion, or sit very still, but through observance, that's about as far as they ever get experiencing the universal language, music....this makes me thankful, for what appears to have been incorporated into my very soul, accessed through the windows of my are you going to measure that with a scope or meter?....the most repeated and celebrated phrase at this site is, "the ears decide"....if it ever comes to, "the scopes decide," that's when this site will be saturated by the absence of 99.9% of the readership I suspect, and will die.....
Was this supposed to address something in my last post?



Audioholic Ninja
WmAx said:
Why does science require observations under a statistically valid and controlled scenario? Efficiency. It is the only[and best] known way to efficiently solve problems and make real advances. To accept[or respect] unsubstantiated speculation(s) on par, or anywhere near on par with data that is extrapolated or directly proven with valid scientific principles is not efficient.


Hmmm...seems like we were just in this thread under the Steam Vent heading.

Chris, have you ever had a problem with/in a relationship? How did you solve it using science and valid principles? Did you propose some efficiency to your 'loved one' to solve that problem? Do you in fact believe in love? ('Believe' being a key word here, as well as 'love'.) You're doing exactly what mtry is doing...ignoring the fact that KNOWLEDGE and FAITH are two distinctly different universes and ne'er the twain shall meet. Read some books by Hintikka or Kant, or other logical philosophers who have delved into these issues much deeper than we. We, all people, live in both worlds simultaneously, whether you like it or not.


Audioholic Samurai
WmAx said:
Was this supposed to address something in my last post?
.....well Chris, I just went back and checked, found your name nowhere on it, but you evidently think it did......


Audioholic Samurai
rjbudz said:
Hmmm...seems like we were just in this thread under the Steam Vent heading.

Chris, have you ever had a problem with/in a relationship? How did you solve it using science and valid principles? Did you propose some efficiency to your 'loved one' to solve that problem? Do you in fact believe in love? ('Believe' being a key word here, as well as 'love'.) You're doing exactly what mtry is doing...ignoring the fact that KNOWLEDGE and FAITH are two distinctly different universes and ne'er the twain shall meet. Read some books by Hintikka or Kant, or other logical philosophers who have delved into these issues much deeper than we. We, all people, live in both worlds simultaneously, whether you like it or not.
This thread is not about relationships. This thread is not about love. This thread is about a physical object/principle that is quantifiable/measurable/correlatable to probable audibility[with percepetual research].



Audioholic Samurai
mulester7 said:
.....well Chris, I just went back and checked, found your name nowhere on it, but you evidently think it did......
I asked a question, as is indicated by the use of a question mark.



Audioholic Ninja
WmAx said:
This thread is not about relationships. This thread is not about love. This thread is about a physical object/principle that is quantifiable/measurable/correlatable to probable audibility[with percepetual research].

Your response was regarding the item by Mac that you quoted...

Originally Posted by MacManNM
If God, aliens, or telepathy don't exist, then the onus is on you to disprove it. If you can't, I suggest you let others have their beliefs, and not chastise them for those beliefs.

You were clearly responding to an issue of "beliefs". And that is exactly why I said what I did to you.

I agree with you, Chris. Science is our best and brightest hope to lead this Rag Tag Fugitive Fleet of humans to the Promised Land of Realization. But logic must prevail...even at the expense of letting people have their "beliefs". And you know what? All the posts herein have some measure of belief in gawd, even if it's about quantifiable/measurable/etc. physical objects. (I refer you to quantum physics.)


Seriously, I have no life.
MacManNM said:
Again, why should I have to prove anything? The point is to let people have their beliefs without chastising them. I don't believe in alien abductions, but if someone else does, I'm not going to make fun of them. Dude, you have problems, get some help.

They get chastised when they start making claims.
And, you confuse using such beliefs as having parallels in audio with chastising. Get some help.


Seriously, I have no life.
mulester7 said:
.....I STILL, experience chillbumps and occassional wet eyes, over music my ears experience..
mulester7 said:
Oh, yes, but is that because of the music itself, what memory or emotion it may unlock in you or the equipment doing it?
I can have those effects from a car radio or a boombox because of the music itself.

..some persons HAVE NEVER, and WILL NEVER, experience such outward manifestations..

What's wrong with that? We are not clones, yet.


Audioholic Samurai
WmAx said:
I asked a question, as is indicated by the use of a question mark
.....well, good for you, WmAx, few question marks are displayed in posts usually....what I did was only post a post, but I'll admit, the desire to do so might have been prompted somewhat by seeing what you posted, that once again goes back to what we see at this site too much....if something can't be proven by science, or a scope or a meter, it could not be true and valid, or, could not have been heard....that type of reasoning is useless in my view as it stands only for not having had an experience involving the senses, and saying others could not have either....I sure didn't mean it as a personal attack, I promise, but that line of reasoning eludes me.....


Audioholic Samurai
mulester7 said:
.....well, good for you, WmAx, few question marks are displayed in posts usually....what I did was only post a post, but I'll admit, the desire to do so might have been prompted somewhat by seeing what you posted, that once again goes back to what we see at this site too much....if something can't be proven by science, or a scope or a meter, it could not be true and valid, or, could not have been heard....that type of reasoning is useless in my view as it stands only for not having had an experience involving the senses, and saying others could not have either....I sure didn't mean it as a personal attack, I promise, but that line of reasoning eludes me.....
Talk about sweeping generalizations and doing a song and dance. WmAx is posting well thought out and clear posts and for hundredth time you post the same gibberish. Not all the time but often enough you attack others for not having the same view on things as you and are often not helpful because because of it. For me those posts makes this forum a lot less pleasant place to be at times. That being said I suppose I could improve things for myself by not reading your posts which is what I guess I should do.
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Audioholic Samurai
rjbudz said:
You were clearly responding to an issue of "beliefs". And that is exactly why I said what I did to you.
Your reply did not make any sense to me when I first read it. It does not make sense to me now.

I agree with you, Chris. Science is our best and brightest hope to lead this Rag Tag Fugitive Fleet of humans to the Promised Land of Realization. But logic must prevail...even at the expense of letting people have their "beliefs". And you know what? All the posts herein have some measure of belief in gawd, even if it's about quantifiable/measurable/etc. physical objects. (I refer you to quantum physics.)
Okay, so you start out saying: "Science is our best and brightest hope to lead this Rag Tag Fugitive Fleet of humans to the Promised Land of Realization." You follow up with: "But logic must prevail...even at the expense of letting people have their "beliefs"."

But what? Please specify. Also, [1]belief is not the issue, [2]faith is.



[2]Definition 2 b
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