Matching reciever with speakers



Audioholic Intern
Hey everyone, I am new and looking at getting a new home theater setup. I have a question about matching the receiver and speakers. I read there is a lot about matching the way they sound and some will be too warm etc. So I am thinking of getting possibly Klipsch rf-52 II. What are some receivers that will blend well and what receivers won't? Thanks!


Audioholic Ninja
I read there is a lot about matching the way they sound and some will be too warm etc.
Lucky for you, that's total B.S.

Just get a marantz SR6004:

or SR6005:

and be done with it

So I am thinking of getting possibly Klipsch rf-52 II. What are some receivers that will blend well and what receivers won't? Thanks!
Blending would be the last of my worries... the speakers themselves would be the first ;)

Have you considered any other brands?


Audioholic Intern
Thanks for the response, what other speakers would you recommend and what do you think of the Klipsch rf-52 II series?


Audioholic Ninja
what do you think of the Klipsch rf-52 II series?
I don't think they're particularily great speakers.

What speaker brands are you thinking?
The RF 52 II will cost about under $800/pr

A few speakers I'd recommend instead include

Magnepan MMG - These will sound outstanding, although they won't have the dynamic range or wide sweet spot necessary for a real badass HT setup, they'll really make you rediscover your music either way. You can still watch movies on them, just not as ear-bleedingly loud as the Klipsches. Adding a sub is a great idea.

EMP e55ti - These will have a balanced response from top to bottom. A sub is necessary to get the deepest octave. They can handle dynamic range pretty well, and have a pretty good sweet spot.

PSB Image T6 - Probably not as dynamic as the EMPs, but i'd suspect they're a bit better in the lower midrange. Just a guess, as I haven't actually heard them.

And, at a higher price point:

JTR Triple 8 - These will be badass. The dynamic range will be endless, and again the voicing will be reasonably neutral.

And of course, I recommend two quality 12" or larger subwoofers from a company like HSU, Outlaw, Rythmik, Funkywaves, SVS, Epik, or Seaton Sound.


Audioholic Ninja
JTR and PSB T6 are "slightly" above budget ;)
The T6 I linked to is 849.00/pair

I'm not huge fan of EMP towers
They can sound a bit thin without EQ if they're away from the wall, but add ~2db boost below 700hz and they're great. Or was your issue something else? Which EMPs did you dislike?


I have a nephew with RF-52s with the RC-52 center and the matching surrounds - they play loud as hell with a lightweight Onkyo of a few years vintage. For movies they are very good - for music I think they suck. Too bright by twice or more! Since he's a carpenter he's lost some of his high frequency hearing and it helps him hear dialog and music.

For strictly music get tower speakers - for movies bookshelf speakers are sufficient as long as you have a good sub. Even with towers a sub is needed for good LFE's in movies. Nothing like shaking the whole damned house!

For decent bookshelf speakers take a look at the Emotiva offerings. The 6.2s are a fine sounding speaker - and for $199 shipped are the bargain of the late summer/early fall IMO.


Audioholic Slumlord
"The T6 I linked to is 849.00/pair "
My bad, I looked at other number. For $850 T6 is a good option on par with Q500.

Re Emp e55Ti, I guess I confused with EMP's previous and smaller model.
I must admit I never heard them, my opinion is based solely on reviews
On AH reviews Both t55i and T towers measured good, but both have minor issues in frequency sweeps... I guess at this price range its inevitable :eek:


Audioholic Ninja
"The T6 I linked to is 849.00/pair "
My bad, I looked at other number. For $850 T6 is a good option on par with Q500.
The KEF Q series looks good but I'm a bit concerned about the metal cone breakup I saw in the stereophile measurement. it's only around 12db down in the crossover whereas most designers shoot for ~40db down.

On AH reviews Both t55i and T towers measured good, but both have minor issues in frequency sweeps... I guess at this price range its inevitable :eek:
I'm not sure about the e5Ti. But I like the e55Ti at least, personally. If there's any high Q peak like that measurement showed, I can't hear it. They definitely sound better though if you go into the receiver graphic EQ and boost 500hz / 250hz / 63hz each by ~1.5db, but that might be the fact I've got them 4 feet from the wall!
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