what do you think of the Klipsch rf-52 II series?
I don't think they're particularily great speakers.
What speaker brands are you thinking?
The RF 52 II will cost about under $800/pr
A few speakers I'd recommend instead include
Magnepan MMG - These will sound outstanding, although they won't have the dynamic range or wide sweet spot necessary for a real badass HT setup, they'll really make you rediscover your music either way. You can still watch movies on them, just not as ear-bleedingly loud as the Klipsches. Adding a sub is a great idea.
EMP e55ti - These will have a balanced response from top to bottom. A sub is necessary to get the deepest octave. They can handle dynamic range pretty well, and have a pretty good sweet spot.
PSB Image T6 - Probably not as dynamic as the EMPs, but i'd suspect they're a bit better in the lower midrange. Just a guess, as I haven't actually heard them.
And, at a higher price point:
JTR Triple 8 - These will be badass. The dynamic range will be endless, and again the voicing will be reasonably neutral.
And of course, I recommend two quality 12" or larger subwoofers from a company like HSU, Outlaw, Rythmik, Funkywaves, SVS, Epik, or Seaton Sound.