I have no problem with taking measurements. I do have a problem with meaningless measurements that do not affect the final outcome (functional/audible). I could probe the temperature of my salami sandwich before I eat it, but I doubt that measurement affects the sound of my home theater system. In other words, over-measuring and basing a recommendation on a system meant to be used for entertainment (actually seen/heard by human eyes/ears) on robotic like measurements outside the human perception capability is both a waste of time and just as absurd as believing in magic Shakti stones and $12k cables.
Being able to measure doesn't mean measuring things that have nothing to do with the actual goals of the product. Is your goal to own the most perfect-measuring AVP known to man or to have DTS:X Pro and 15.x channel capability with DIRAC LIVE? Amir is a man who gave a headless panther to the Monoprice HTP-1 because of a measurement error on his part (a parameter had to be changed to measure at higher voltages not normally used) and instead of talking to Monoprice about it, he just told people to stay away and refuses to go back and edit or change his review. That measurement had no impact on actual normal usage of the product and is not that different from him trashing products for ringing in the ultrasonic range where we can't hear it so it doesn't flipping matter one iota, but hey, his headphone DAC doesn't have that issue so obviously a multi-kilobuck receiver with tons of other electronics dedicated to things other than headphone output should do as well or better than his headphone DAC! Therefore, it's headless panther time!
I've got degrees in engineering and I work on industrial machinery. I don't care if they're making ultrasonic noise either as that's not their function and no one can hear it either way. What I need them to do is sort products and move them to the correct bins. The only
ultrasonic effect I worry about is whether it's an indication of a bearing going bad in the transport system (I have an ultrasonic probe for exactly that function).
I'm also an audio hobbyist that wants a great processor for Atmos/X/Auro and to me, a pointless measurement and inaudible DAC ringing have ZERO effect on whether I enjoy the product or not, while things like 15-channel processing and DIRAC Live do affect my enjoyment greatly. Amir may be great at measuring things, but that doesn't make me him a great reviewer of audio products. A great reviewer understands the measurements and affords them their part in the review and makes it clear that whatever less than perfect measurement has no effect on audibility doesn't factor into their recommendation of the product because while it might scratch some engineering "itch" it doesn't mean a damn thing to the average consumer (unless you convince them that it does and that's what audio magazines in the other direction have done for years, making huge deals out of things that don't matter or are even just made up). Neither extreme is good, in my opinion. However, unlike some on here, I don't pretend to speak for everyone else.
As for the rude nasty people on here (TLS Guy and Verdinut for calling mine dumb complaining about it), well all I can say is you don't damn well speak for
me talking down to people who don't share your pseudo-scientific belief system and somehow I doubt you speak for everyone else here either. I haven't seen this guy's other posts, but in the context of this thread, it comes across as holier-than-thou nonsense. You don't have to agree with someone's beliefs to tolerate them sharing their opinions, however ill founded and telling them to hit the pavement is about as rude as it gets and coming from a non-staff member, it's even worse, driving people
away from the site that is supposedly a business. I certainly wouldn't put up with members treating newcomers that way (so much for a more inclusive site welcoming all

), but apparently that's not important here, after all.
I shouldn't be surprised since the website has glitched my account and works slow as hell for me for years now and Gene and the gang refuse to do anything about it despite both informal and formal requests (by email and even another site since Gene apparently doesn't read this one) and NADA. My account is still broken/slow across multiple Internet providers, browsers, operating systems and cell phones (i.e. it's the account here, not something in-between) and requires 3-4 reloads to get a message up on average. But if this site is going to have members treat newcomers like crap because they don't believe their measurement system tells all, I don't see why an average bloke would even
want to come here. For someone theoretically running a business here, that seems bad to me, but it's not my site so have at it.