Mar a Lago raided by FBI



Seriously, I have no life.
Lol, I caught the humor in your post. But he did state (ATF). You dumpster fire starter you.:D Made my morning with that post. Have a good one guy's! Still a good, steam vent, political threat. Just stay friends in the end guy's. After all the "mut" HD and I throw at each other anything is still possible. HD's a good fellow. We all can be at times asses and dumbasses. Just take a look at where we all handout at, Gene picked a awesome name for his website, "Audioholic" that should be anyone's clue when you sign up on this website We all need help, needing AA, umm typo AH! :D edit: AA is a cult, just don't confuse AH with a "Club" when you walk in and you'll be Oook!! Lol
Thread, not threat.

And I don't have a problem, I can stop anytime I want! :)


Seriously, I have no life.
An opinion piece by a former federal prosecutor arguing that >>>He kept sensitive documents when he was told he shouldn’t and that’s a chargeable crime.<<<

Well worth reading.

I'm a bit surprised by the fact that nobody has made a comment like "Pleading ignorance? He IS ignorant!".
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Audioholic Samurai
I do it, too- that's one of the reasons I mentioned it.

I hate when people blame others for things they do without admitting their own fault.

Sorry, never watched GOT.
I watched the whole dam 8 seasons of GOT! My mind hasn't been right ever since! ;) My Son, follows political parties religiously, and/or a particular agenda in both of the two-party systems we have to deal with. I'm 64 he's 43, he my Son that is, has opened my eyes to just how deep this power game really goes, and the Who's that are really behind the ones that are proxied up in for this GOT. Sh&t man this two-party system that our Nation struggles with just this past century probably goes back to the founding of this country, correction it does! if this country ever really won independence from England think about it. Ever wonder why the United States still has very tight knit close ties with England? Just my thoughts nothing in my post are politically correct and off subject of course. I apologize most of my posts are on political threads. Central bankers control wealth of the countries around this world. When's the last time a Bank had anyone's best "interest" other than their own. Research, Templars of the Roman Catholic Church. Read up on the Who's that really had the power and control may surprise you, then it may not cuz you may know this already. There's a War behind the seen that's been put before our eyes on national television and in the headlines. In my personal opinion when the Roman Catholic Church took absolute power after the fall of the Roman empire and started financing all those so-called holy wars, (never was about anything holy) that followed to England and now this country it's a wonder the world's lasted this long with that bullshit.
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Seriously, I have no life.
Amazing that so many buy into the insanity-



Audioholic Warlord
Afraid I have to agree with Mike Malloy at this point. Trump has to drop dead. Then it will be better. Cut the blood and political lines. There's still hope for Don Jr, and hopefully the RNP will be a little better too. The RNP is kind of like minnows swimming in Daddy's polluted lake.
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Audioholic Samurai
Sorry about Season 8. ;):)
Yeah, f...kin Jon Snow! dragon ladies dragon should've ate his ass! stabbing his auntie lover in the heart while kissing her. What a cheesy way to go out. But I gotta say, from a point of view not a bad way to take care of a EX huh. :)


Audioholic Warlord
Yeah, f...kin Jon Snow! dragon ladies dragon should've ate his ass! stabbing his auntie lover in the heart while kissing her. What a cheesy way to go out. But I gotta say, from a point of view not a bad way to take care of a EX huh. :)
I've never watched it, but I have watched a review on how bad it was.:)


Seriously, I have no life.
I watched the whole dam 8 seasons of GOT! My mind hasn't been right ever since! ;) My Son, follows political parties religiously, and/or a particular agenda in both of the two-party systems we have to deal with. I'm 64 he's 43, he my Son that is, has opened my eyes to just how deep this power game really goes, and the Who's that are really behind the ones that are proxied up in for this GOT. Sh&t man this two-party system that our Nation struggles with just this past century probably goes back to the founding of this country, correction it does! if this country ever really won independence from England think about it. Ever wonder why the United States still has very tight knit close ties with England? Just my thoughts nothing in my post are politically correct and off subject of course. I apologize most of my posts are on political threads. Central bankers control wealth of the countries around this world. When's the last time a Bank had anyone's best "interest" other than their own. Research, Templars of the Roman Catholic Church. Read up on the Who's that really had the power and control may surprise you, then it may not cuz you may know this already. There's a War behind the seen that's been put before our eyes on national television and in the headlines. In my personal opinion when the Roman Catholic Church took absolute power after the fall of the Roman empire and started financing all those so-called holy wars, (never was about anything holy) that followed to England and now this country it's a wonder the world's lasted this long with that bullshit.
One thing that makes this worse is the speed at which we get info, whether it's accurate, or not. Then, the snap reactions fly out and others react to those, creating even more division and anger. The news media need to go back to the idea of "Trust, but verify".

WRT the Crusades, you need to look into the cause- Jerusalem was a holy place for two religions that came before Islam, yet Muslims took it by force, saying they were the rightful owners and that the Judeo-Christian scholars interpreted the writings incorrectly. Right- they were still using those languages at the time and they got it wrong?

That said, the RC edited the hell out of the writings, so maybe that's where the problem lies.

"Killing in the name of God", eh? Good one....


Audioholic Samurai
Now the news is that T and his people claim that he declassified them, so they are not classified. WOW.
Of course, there is no evidence of declassifying. Wand waving is not enough. Nor is claiming he didn't know there is a methodology to declassify. :eek:
Also, the three Federal laws listed on the search warrant do not require the documents to be classified. In other words, legally it makes no difference if the documents were classified or declassified.

I suspect that the DOJ did not want to rely on the law covering covering classified documents because it could have limited what documents the FBI could take. Also, if the search warrant had been limited to classified documents and it later came out that Trump did declassify the documents, he could argue that the search warrant was fatally flawed and nothing taken from his home is admissible as evidence.

The search warrant is quite broad and it’s difficult to see how Trump could successfully show in court that it was improper.

Although the search warrant does not list the laws covering classified documents, the DOJ could still bring charges under the laws covering classified documents. Legally it would make sense for Trump to try to show that the documents had been declassified to avoid charges under the classified documents laws.

As of right now the “I declassified everything” statements amount to an assertion that he didn’t break a law that was not even listed on the search warrant.

It’s curious that Trump is basically making an admission that documents that were taken had been classified. Public statements are not necessarily binding in court, and I’m sure his lawyers would be very careful to assert in any court filings that the documents were not top secret, but even if they had been at one time Trump declassified them before he left office.

Overall, the “I declassified everything” statements appear to be an effort to confuse the public and provide his base something they can cling to (even if it’s false or irrelevant).
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Audioholic Samurai
One thing that makes this worse is the speed at which we get info, whether it's accurate, or not. Then, the snap reactions fly out and others react to those, creating even more division and anger. The news media need to go back to the idea of "Trust, but verify".

WRT the Crusades, you need to look into the cause- Jerusalem was a holy place for two religions that came before Islam, yet Muslims took it by force, saying they were the rightful owners and that the Judeo-Christian scholars interpreted the writings incorrectly. Right- they were still using those languages at the time and they got it wrong?

That said, the RC edited the hell out of the writings, so maybe that's where the problem lies.

"Killing in the name of God", eh? Good one....
can't argue or disagree with your post. You hit on All of the reasons why they got it wrong. Now at this time of age where in, with the knowledge, and most everyone having an iPhone in their hand. The spread of mis-information and the fools grasping to run with it, guess falling off a cliff as that bulldozer is pushing them off that cliff, realize too late they got fu.ked!. In the real world it's called casualties of collateral damage. Didn't Trump state, once, "We kill people to" in a sit down with some interviewer. Was the casual way he said it, guess it's ok when it isn't your blood or someone else blood being spilled. It's definitely a blood pack for sure.
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Audioholic Overlord
Also, the three Federal laws listed on the search warrant do not require the documents to be classified. In other words, legally it makes no difference if the documents were classified or declassified.

I suspect that the DOJ did not want to rely on the law covering covering classified documents because it could have limited what documents the FBI could take. Also, if the search warrant had been limited to classified documents and it later came out that Trump did declassify the documents, he could argue that the search warrant was fatally flawed and nothing taken from his home is admissible as evidence.

The search warrant is quite broad and it’s difficult to see how Trump could successfully show in court that it was improper.

Although the search warrant does not list the laws covering classified documents, the DOJ could still bring charges under the laws covering classified documents. Legally it would make sense for Trump to try to show that the documents had been declassified to avoid charges under the classified documents laws.

As of right now the “I declassified everything” statements amount to an assertion that he didn’t break a law that was not even listed on the search warrant.

It’s curious that Trump is basically making an admission that documents that were taken had been classified. Public statements are not necessarily binding in court, and I’m sure his lawyers would be very careful to assert in any court filings that the documents were not top secret, but even if they had been at one time Trump declassified them before he left office.

Overall, the “I declassified everything” statements appear to be an effort to confuse the public and provide his base something they can cling to (even if it’s false or irrelevant).
One of the key components that has been brought up is there should still be a paper trail if T did move to declassify any of these documents. Especially the alleged nuclear secrets document(s). That is not something that he can just wave his magic sharpie over.

Again, the commentary at this point is pretty much all speculation as we try to make sense of what could be one of the largest governmental scandals, if not the largest.


Anyone can easily look back over the past 12 years pretty much and see the goalposts of acceptable governance in the American eye change from an Axis of Evil during the Cheney-Rumsfeld administration to Trump actively courting and admiring these very enemies of state where you even have a person considered to be a fascist dictator in Viktor Orban being given a standing ovation at CPAC.

Back to the point at hand... and this is where, frankly, I think things can get much uglier for the US. Even though these were in T's possession at Mar-A-Lago, he and his lawyers may very well have thought all documents were turned over because they knew what they took... however this does not preclude another member of T's team squirreling sensitive documents away for some reason or other.
This latter scenario is actually a little more scary to me. That it wasn't Trump himself, but another one of his hangers-on (think people like Manafort or Flynn with known ties to foreign governments with questionable relationships to the US) whom we do not know.


Audioholic Samurai
An opinion piece by a former federal prosecutor arguing that >>>He kept sensitive documents when he was told he shouldn’t and that’s a chargeable crime.<<<

Well worth reading.

That appears to be reasonably well written article.

The reports (not confirmed) that a lawyer signed a letter or document to the effect that there were no classified documents at Trump’s residence are intriguing but it’s really hard to know exactly what happened. It depends a lot on exactly what the statement was and what the lawyer knew.

If the lawyer is a potential fact witness (e.g. to an obstruction of justice charge) he/she would be conflicted out of further representation of Trump in connection with the documents. I’ve read a number of news reports in an effort to find out which lawyers were present in June to see if any of them are no longer representing Trump. So far I haven’t found the information.

I’ve wondered if the lawyer who allegedly signed the document might be the alleged insider who allegedly tipped off the DOJ that there were still classified documents there. A lawyer cannot ethically present false information to law enforcement (knowing it’s false) nor can a lawyer assist a client in criminal activity.

In theory the lawyer may have signed the statement and later discovered it was false. At this point the lawyer would be in a difficult position because he cannot assist an ongoing violation of the law by remaining silent but he is also required to zealously represent his client client and to maintain attorney client privilege. My best guess is that a lawyer in this position would notify the FBI that the statement was potentially not accurate, then withdraw from representing Trump.

This highly speculative, of course. As of right now I don’t think there’s any way to know what actually happened in terms of the allegedly false statement that was allegedly signed by a Trump lawyer
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Audioholic Samurai
I'm a bit surprised by the fact that nobody has made a comment like "Pleading ignorance? He IS ignorant!".
Thing is, he isn't ignorant. Isn't that same as pleading the 5th? Lol.. burden of proof is on accuser/State, you guys do realize this is a federal thing right?. Federal law Trump-s lol any other State law in the Union:D
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Audioholic Spartan
One of the key components that has been brought up is there should still be a paper trail if T did move to declassify any of these documents. Especially the alleged nuclear secrets document(s). That is not something that he can just wave his magic sharpie over.
And then there is this by the conservative Heritage Foundation “think tank” showing that there is not much thinking there:

>>>…The Heritage Foundation's Stimson has a different view, given that Trump was once "the ultimate declassification authority."

“If any president decides to declassify a document and doesn’t tell anybody — but he has made the decision to declassify something — then the document is declassified,” Stimson said. …<<<




Audioholic Overlord
And then there is this by the conservative Heritage Foundation “think tank” showing that there is not much thinking there:

>>>…The Heritage Foundation's Stimson has a different view, given that Trump was once "the ultimate declassification authority."

“If any president decides to declassify a document and doesn’t tell anybody — but he has made the decision to declassify something — then the document is declassified,” Stimson said. …<<<


I'd seen that, but there have been several "experts" in the Security and Intelligence fields that say this is not the case, regardless of a sitting president's ability to declassify documents.
Ultimately, this will come down to the courts, I think, and potentially the Supreme Court to determine.

Sadly we can't trust (currently) the Supreme Court to actually do what is morally and ethically correct.

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