Well, I'm sure a large percentage of us grew up watching those old WB cartoons (as I did), that are so deemed as "adult content" material these days, therefore not shown on Saturday morning (as they used to be). And hey - we all turned out fine, didn't we??
As far as life on Mars - this is one of those things (like UFO's) - I will believe it when I see the proof. Viewing canyons and supposed aquifers on the Martian surface isn't proof - it's theory. Seeing odd rock formations that resemble human features (or even an entire humanoid body) is intriguing and worthy of discussion alright, but again - is nowhere near conclusive proof or evidence of life. For hundreds of years we - as a human race - have yearned so strongly to believe in the existence of life outside of our planet that at times our imaginations have superceded the actual facts as they are.
My best guess is that when and if we do find life out there, it is likely to be microbial in nature and a billion light years away from us. If we get to Mars in the next couple of decades and discover that there are some little squirmy things in the subterranean environment, then I will change my viewpoint - otherwise it's all science fiction for now.