sorry, I'm not trying to troll, and I have found most the info out there, except the cable's gauge. That's the only thing I can't find. I somehow doubt that it is 16 as someone here as stated because it is no more bulky or stiff than my cables from other companies that are 22, sounds like a lie to make monster sound better. So far the best deals I can find are on monoprice, the best quality DVIgear, and the best standards meeting from bluejeancable.
I'm a facts guy, and never have any intention of causing any trouble, and can't understand people getting emotional about technology. I just like to gather data.
also in response to the thread you linked to, I'm don't have bose, I have a onkyo sound system

. I don't have a lot of money to spend but I don't want my cables to be the weak link. I plan to someday get a 120hz or more television that supports deep color for when video games start supporting those features and don't feel like buying accessories twice.