lets talk about front wides



Would using istead of Front Wide a second pair of Surround be more usefull ?
Surround will get more action then Front Wide, even in DSU, and very much in NeuralX, and with a 2nd pair of Surround, to full the gap, they will work most of the time.

I can do Front Wide, I use the Cinema 30, but found most of the time they are silent, where Surround is working.
So I use through the pre-out Surround a 2nd pair of Surround speakers, in the Front Wide spot, and it works great.
My Surrounds, du the the room layout, are behinde the MLP.
So filling this gap with Front Wde was my first attemp, but found they are silent most of the time :(

"Streaming Atmos" (Neflix-Disney ect) will do almost nothing with Front Wide, they stay silent exept for a very tiny bit of effects in some movies.
(All Star Wars movies on Disney do not use Front Wide at all, 100% silent.......)
Surround is doing 90% more then Front Wide channel.
NeuralX is doing the most for Front Wide, but also uses Surround more the DSU and sounds a bit "darker" , less clear the DSU.
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Senior Audioholic
The problem is the limited availability of "upmixers" for wides...

In theory a pair of wides would have more impact than a pair of rear surrounds.... but in practice the current AVR/AVP software works best with surrounds rather than wides.

Sad really - I find that 7 base channels (with surround rears) is only a marginal improvement over 5... and a substantial pain to set up in my room/space - hence I have stuck with 5...
But if the processors could handle wides well with all the various material (ie: a good upmixer!) - then I would jump to 7 base channels use wides.


Audioholic Intern
If you’re in SE Michigan and want to listen to 9.3.6 with wides PM me.

Hmm, I’ve been early adopter of front wides since , well 2012 and my Denon 4520CI then.

I remember all the conversations then with Audyssey Chris K

Specifically DSX

Testing location and their subjective results

Redoing side walls to minimize their intrusion into HT space.
RH side and LH side are symmetrical distance wise / angle wise. But construction wise LH is outside wall, engineered concrete, so I made an insert shelf and fit that. RH side is studded wall, 2 x 6 plate with 2 x 4 staggered for sound isolation, so built a shelf into the wall within those constraints as well.

End result this, modified the 2 acoustic panels also

Tidbit fact: this is the only known movie released in DTS:NeoX that actually used front heights / wides, as discrete full bandwidth channels also.
Not object speakers like today’s implementation.

In 2018 with my 8500H I then went 7.2.6 or 9.2.4.. and due to lack of wide mix usage and DSU not upmixing to wides I used 7.2.6 90% of time. However DSU was updated to then upmix to wides , as known.

Now with my A1H I’m full 9.3.6 always, and just a few days back rewatching this showcased a great Atmos mix that fully used wides, very enveloping

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Senior Audioholic
The trouble with Audyssey DSX, is that it is AUDYSSEY .... that is to say you have to have an AVR that supports both wides/heights and Audyssey DSX.

But since D&M purchased exclusivity of Audyssey licencing, it has effectively become an orphan available only on D&M gear, and without further development.

(another decoder that provided excellent wide processing is the old Lexicon/Harman Logic7 / Logic16.... also Orphaned)

In today's world of decoding and mixing, we now have Dolby Surround and Auro3D....

Sadly most DSur & Auro3D decoders (AVR's AVP's) don't support the wide options....

But for those who are interested in wides.... and, if it were more widely -sic - available on Dolby Surround, it might have a better chance of mainstreaming! (or at least proliferating among the cognoscenti)

a 7.2.4 setup with 2 wides instead of 2 rears, would more easily fit into most people's homes and provide superior sound to the existing paradigm.... and would only require a minor change to AVR software....


Audioholic Intern
My posting was in no way advocating using DSX, rather back in 2012 timeframe DSX was a player, and I used as upmixer, along with other upmixers then.

It’s more so that psychoacoustic wise there’s much more impact in front than in back , hence I advocate wides correctly placed in the environment that can benefit from them.

Today, on my A1H (and 8500H before I sold it) I use Dolby DSU for movies if not in Atmos mix, for music like lots I prefer the Auro 2D upmixing for surround sound , or at times just good old 2.1

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