Kid Builds Clock; Get Arrested


Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I'm just stipulating that if this is indeed happening they aren't the first.

Just hit YouTube for Brett Darrow and you will see what I mean.
I saw a couple and what can I say? This behavior is beyond deplorable. They're mentally unhinged and not only should the PD or whomever be looking into what happened but so should any arrests or tickets they previously issued be reexamined. Power over others be it cops, bosses, coaches, priests, imams, rabbis, whatever always has an attraction for those who would leverage it for devious purposes. This is why earlier I said I really hope the events and questioning are part of something that was documented.

In this case Jinjuku, I don't put the events regarding the clock on the level of a sting. I'm sure there's more that we'll discover as time goes on. As it stands now, this kid has a future rebadging audio equipment.


Thanks Chu. I agree as time goes on there may be more to this than meets the eye and totally willing to wait for this to further unfold.


Audioholic Slumlord
If backing a law to keep sharia law out of our judicial system is considered racist, then call me racist.

"This radical group of Muslims is not pleased with the Mayor of Irving, Texas after she put the end to America’s first “Sharia Court.” Mayor Beth Van Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims, which is why the city voted to stop these supposedly “voluntary” tribunals from operating.

In a very close 5-4 vote, the city of Irving ruled to back the Texas state bill banning foreign law from the state. The bill doesn’t mention Sharia or any religion, but it’s a huge defeat for Sharia supporters, as such courts are in violation of the U.S. Constitution."

Read more:

The comments below this article are quite telling.
I happen to agree with this Mayor as well. There should be only one law in the land and it be applied fairly to everyone regardless of race or religious belief. If you can't accept that, then move back to the country from where you originated. You came over hear to make a better life and escape the old world. Why bring the old world back? That's not to say that one cannot practise their religion, maintain their language, and observe their traditions (with the sole exception of the law).
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Audioholic Samurai
I don't have a problem setting up authority for the black eye they are going to serve themselves up.
If Cop's can setup sting operations then they shouldn't be so upset if they find themselves the focus of one.
So in addition to targeting cops for assassination, let's "set them up" with various entrapment and stings. These guys are a danger to society and we should apply our resources to weed them out.

In the meantime, if you or your family need help, call... ummm... ???

There is no organization in the world with hundreds of thousands of members that doesn't have some bad apples. But when each member of that organization literally risks their life every day to protect us, I am utterly amazed how quickly some condemn the whole lot.


So in addition to targeting cops for assassination, let's "set them up" with various entrapment and stings. These guys are a danger to society and we should apply our resources to weed them out.

In the meantime, if you or your family need help, call... ummm... ???

There is no organization in the world with hundreds of thousands of members that doesn't have some bad apples. But when each member of that organization literally risks their life every day to protect us, I am utterly amazed how quickly some condemn the whole lot.
Still call the cops and hopefully they, uh, simply do the job they are both paid and swore an oath to the U.S. Constitution to do.

There are 100,000's of LEO's out there and sometimes they don't do anything: Cop harasses man eating oatmeal while his partner does nothing (wrong?).

A lot can also be wrong by omission or doing nothing at all.


I really want to point out a glaringly missing item:

Why wasn't the school evacuated?

If you don't like the fact that school officials have been potentially baited then we must end all bait cars, prostitution stings, and any other stings that bait criminals to show themselves in set-ups. It's a two way street.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
So in addition to targeting cops for assassination, let's "set them up" with various entrapment and stings. These guys are a danger to society and we should apply our resources to weed them out.

In the meantime, if you or your family need help, call... ummm... ???

There is no organization in the world with hundreds of thousands of members that doesn't have some bad apples. But when each member of that organization literally risks their life every day to protect us, I am utterly amazed how quickly some condemn the whole lot.
Jinjuku calls it a sting but if you look at some of the videos they're basically cops being recorded in the performance of their duties. Not much different than the recording that occurs in a cruiser or with body cameras. Unless somehow prohibited, this recording is entirely within the rights of citizens. It lends credence to the position that cops can and have fabricated charges. We want good cops. Cops that uphold the law not crooks with a badge. And it works both ways. Recently a female professor in CT was given a driving ticket. Read about it here:

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I really want to point out a glaringly missing item:

Why wasn't the school evacuated?

If you don't like the fact that school officials have been potentially baited then we must end all bait cars, prostitution stings, and any other stings that bait criminals to show themselves in set-ups. It's a two way street.
From my understanding it was determined it didn't contain an explosive. It did however run afoul of the criteria for the school district. Might've been a link earlier.


From my understanding it was determined it didn't contain an explosive. It did however run afoul of the criteria for the school district. Might've been a link earlier.
I was building speakers when I was in high school. Built my Karlson's and soldered them up in shop class. Now I would be handcuffed and questioned even in light of asking for my parents.


From my understanding it was determined it didn't contain an explosive. It did however run afoul of the criteria for the school district. Might've been a link earlier.
I was building speakers when I was in high school. Built my Karlson's and soldered them up in shop class. Now I would be handcuffed and questioned even in light of asking for my parents.


From my understanding it was determined it didn't contain an explosive. It did however run afoul of the criteria for the school district. Might've been a link earlier.
Any thing that resembles 'a bomb' that requires hand cuffs and 5 police officers rises to the due diligence of clearing a school IMO.
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SOP not to clear the school but take 5 law enforcement officers to handcuff a 14 year old wearing a NASA t-shirt and questioning him with out his parents.

I have a different zero tolerance policy I would like to enforce on some adults.


Audioholic Overlord
I'm not about to attempt to justify anything here, but I did want to call attention to the fact that politics and dealing with children's parents is a pretty sticky wicket!
Just as you can no longer joke about bombs in an airport without getting "special attention", schools need to show enough attention to appease parents. It may have been clear fairly quickly that it was not a bomb, but the initial suspicion may have been made public such that the rumors would be flying. The school may have brought in police as a display of due diligence...
or maybe it was a case of bigotry, plain and simple.

I do believe that once the police were involved, they Barney Fifed it. Cops hate a call like this because they know their actions will be scrutinized by the public eye, but they really don't have proper training for it. Generally, the safest thing (from there perspective) is to be overly suspicious/cautious. Depending on their upbringing/culture, their level of paranoia associated with the kid being Muslim is the nasty wildcard.

Now that it has been politicized by the media, I'm not sure we will ever know the truth. The truth will be out there, but so will the spins on the truth and once that happens, there is seldom clarity.
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Audioholic Spartan
Everyone wants a world free of injustice, lies, greed and wars. Unfortunately, there are no laws that can make this happen.
There is no legislation that will fix what is fundamentally wrong with this world: It's the people in this world. When people become as good as they want everyone else to be, that is when the world becomes a better place.
When we stop judging everyone else and start to look inside ourselves for lies, greed, and injustice, only then, will the wars end.


Audioholic Samurai
There are 100,000's of LEO's out there and sometimes they don't do anything...

...we must end all bait cars, prostitution stings, and any other stings that bait criminals...
I think we could pick ANY large population/group of people and find examples of bad apples in that group. My problem comes when we look at a specific group, (not a specific crime or activity), and use the inevitable bad examples to indict the whole group. It means nothing statistically, and gains nothing morally.

It is why liberals are not swayed by examples of illegal aliens committing crimes. It is why conservatives are not swayed by examples of cops committing crimes.

On the other hand, I do think it is valid to look at a specific crime or activity, and target the majority perpetrators of that crime. Let's pick terrorism. Or let's pick violent crime against blacks. Or let's pick gun violence. Are there groups within which the vast majority of these dangerous and violent criminals reside? I think it would be reasonable to target those crimes and criminals.

And, BTW, we'll need to use the cops to do it.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
SOP not to clear the school but take 5 law enforcement officers to handcuff a 14 year old wearing a NASA t-shirt and questioning him with out his parents.

I have a different zero tolerance policy I would like to enforce on some adults.
You're manipulating words to create a very abbreviated synopsis of the events. It did not take five officers to handcuff him. Five officers responded to the call from the school. When he was taken from the school to a juvenile detention facility, he was handcuffed. That's SOP as far as I know. Yes he was questioned without a parent being present but AFAIK that's not a violation of any rights. The police also proactively contacted his parents during this time. That's also SOP. He was questioned and not arrested. No mug shots or fingerprints. Yes he wore a NASA t-shirt and it was the same one he wore the next day. He might've gotten into more trouble had he worn a t-shirt with the American flag. Had he been carrying this case with wires and an alarm had gone off while in the vicinity of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. think the Secret Service would have called in a bomb squad with canines and all that entails? The present administration states "see something, say something" but when it happens and doesn't feed into their narrative, the tune changes.

From what I've read, and this includes reading the English versions of newspapers in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, the father is pulling all his children from the school. Ahmed is said to have had no contact with any of his peers. The family is looking into other schools but first there seems to be other things they'd like to do first. The father has said he's looking to fly into NYC because some some countries have expressed an interest in meeting the wunderkind. After that he is looking into obtaining visas for a trip to Mecca where I guess the both of them and maybe other family members can make their hadj. No word about which building they're planning on flying into.

He hasn't responded to google's offer to attend the science fair with his clock so he could showcase his invention to others. Pity. The father has not stated how his genius son fixed his phone, car and TV. Maybe this time when he runs for the presidency of Sudan he will have better luck.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
I think we could pick ANY large population/group of people and find examples of bad apples in that group. My problem comes when we look at a specific group, (not a specific crime or activity), and use the inevitable bad examples to indict the whole group. It means nothing statistically, and gains nothing morally.

It is why liberals are not swayed by examples of illegal aliens committing crimes. It is why conservatives are not swayed by examples of cops committing crimes.

On the other hand, I do think it is valid to look at a specific crime or activity, and target the majority perpetrators of that crime. Let's pick terrorism. Or let's pick violent crime against blacks. Or let's pick gun violence. Are there groups within which the vast majority of these dangerous and violent criminals reside? I think it would be reasonable to target those crimes and criminals.

And, BTW, we'll need to use the cops to do it.
Well, I'm seeing NYC turning into a sh'thole where DeBlasio isn't targeting anybody. That is unless he's going to be there for a photo-op and then he clears the streets.

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