Kid Builds Clock; Get Arrested



Audioholic Ninja

Ok folks, have we completely lost our minds and become so paranoid in this country? Have we forgotten the words of Benjamin Franklin? Anyone who has seen a Roadrunner cartoon knows the clock has to be connected to some kind of explosive package for it to be a bomb. I can understand the teacher being spooked, but you would think the men in uniform and the bomb squad would react a bit more professional. The big question so many ask is whether the reaction would have been the same had the kid been white. All that said, they pretty much made this kid a superstar as he's getting invitations from FaceBook to Nasa to the White House and more.
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Audioholic Overlord
I can see both sides of this issue. Yes, in hindsight the powers that be do seem to have over-reacted but, never having seen a suitcase bomb in person, I can see where this device might cause a bit of consternation. Had they let it slide and it had been a bomb, what would the public reaction have been?

And, let's be honest here. If you had to name one type of people who are known for making bombs and detonating them in public places, what would that be? Little old Jewish ladies?

But, I think the overreaction here is from the white house. How much recognition has the white house made of any cops that were murdered in cold blood lately? ..and this kid gets an invite to the white house? GMAFB.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai

Ok folks, have we completely lost our minds and become so paranoid in this country? Have we forgotten the words of Benjamin Franklin? Anyone who has seen a Roadrunner cartoon knows the clock has to be connected to some kind of explosive package for it to be a bomb. I can understand the teacher being spooked, but you would think the men in uniform and the bomb squad would react a bit more professional. The big question so many ask is whether the reaction would have been the same had the kid been white. All that said, they pretty much made this kid a superstar as he's getting invitations from FaceBook to Nasa to the White House and more.
While the media and for that matter his parents are looking to frame what happened through the lens of of islamophobia, this is nothing more than an example, of which there are many, of the current zero tolerance policy that pervades the American school system. As Rickster pointed out with his link to one example, there are many more. Recently some may have read about a grade school boy who who kissed a girl on a dare and was charged with assault. Or perhaps the story of a boy who took his sandwich, shaped it into the shape of a gun, pointed it and was severely dealt with. Then last year there was a Caucasian HS student, Alex Stone, in SC, who wrote a fictional story about shooting a dinosaur. He was arrested and suspended.

While the above examples garnered a certain degree of national attention, none of them had people bringing sandwiches or copies of Jurassic Park to the floors of Congress. Steven Spielberg didn't call Alex Stone and say how'd you like to spend a day on the set?

So, would a white kid have been treated differently? Not in any significant way. Zero Tolerance Policies seem to be quite heavy handed and while the student in question did not relish being handcuffed, this seems to be SOP. If people don't like what happened here, then don't like it wherever and whenever it happens.

Now, as to the clock kid, as I understand it, he first showed it to his electronics/science teacher who cautioned against him displaying it to other teachers. For those who don't know, this is a picture of his clock.

It does not look anything like these clocks.

Now, the President has invited him to the White House, Hillary reached out to him, Zuckerberg said come on down, and Keith Ellison, the U.S. Congressman from MN walked around with a clock. But I ask you, were I or you to walk in or attempt to do so with a clock like in the first picture through an airport, a WH tour, visit Congress, or to Facebook headquarters, might not we expect to get a similar reaction regardless of our color or personal beliefs?

Now while it has been pointed out that there was no explosive device visually seen, from the POV of Zero Tolerance, one could have been placed elsewhere. And his parents, who I would assume to be proactive in their son's education, ought they have not said to him, you know, it's not a good idea to bring something like that to school and walk around with it. As it was, it went off in English class and really, should an English teacher be expected to know its full function? And for him, who is being painted as a wunderkind, why not just leave it with your science teacher and for that matter, if not, why not disable the alarm feature or just disconnect the power source? I question whether it is accurate to portray him as a budding electronics talent because looking at his clock, this seems to have been cobbled together from pre-made parts like you'd find at eBay.

So now he'll look to go to meet the POTUS. Obama reacted quickly instead of waiting a month or so to react to the three Americans who prevented tragedy on the French train. Or who has not even acknowledged the shooting of Kate Steidle by an illegal 'dreamer' in SF. I guess while Travon Martin could have been his son, Kate could not have been his daughter.
its phillip

its phillip

Audioholic Ninja
Ridiculous overreaction by the school and police. I don't think the kid deserves a visit to the white house either but whatever.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
The zero tolerance policies by school districts has resulted in over reactions and consequences. So as not to waste a moment to capitalize on the current narrative, CAIR will be holding a prayer vigil to end Islamophobia, conveniently overlooking what the real issue is. Why perhaps CAIR will even have a prayer vigil to show support for the gay community for the numerous deaths of gay individuals committed by ISIS when they pushed them off buildings.


Audioholic Overlord
The lack of common sense in our country is sad. Unfortunately this town has a known racist as it's Mayor.


Audioholic Overlord
The lack of common sense in our country is sad. Unfortunately this town has a known racist as it's Mayor.
If backing a law to keep sharia law out of our judicial system is considered racist, then call me racist.

"This radical group of Muslims is not pleased with the Mayor of Irving, Texas after she put the end to America’s first “Sharia Court.” Mayor Beth Van Duyne has accused mosque leaders of creating separate laws for Muslims, which is why the city voted to stop these supposedly “voluntary” tribunals from operating.

In a very close 5-4 vote, the city of Irving ruled to back the Texas state bill banning foreign law from the state. The bill doesn’t mention Sharia or any religion, but it’s a huge defeat for Sharia supporters, as such courts are in violation of the U.S. Constitution."

Read more:

The comments below this article are quite telling.
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Audioholic Ninja
The police did plenty wrong in this situation. Was it really necessary to interrogate a child for 90 minutes? Where was his right to an attorney? How about his family? I'm sorry folks, people have grown too fearful and foolish in this country which is exactly what actual terrorists want.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Those are all valid questions which I trust will be addressed in the days to come. It probably starts with a thorough reading of the school district's no tolerance policy as well as an examination of the police policy in such matters. I have read that one of the reasons for the extended questioning had to do with alleged vague answers by the student to questions. Perhaps he was scared? I hope there's a full videotape that will be released.


Audioholic Overlord
I'm sorry folks, people have grown too fearful and foolish in this country which is exactly what actual terrorists want.
I'm sure I am missing something, but my first thought is, if any normal adult encountered this, and assuming they can communicate with the kid, 60 seconds max to talk about and look at "bomb".

Instead they Barney Fife it!

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
That would not have been a thorough questioning. For example what if he had a friend who was a budding chemist and dabbled in incendiaries? If that clock can set off an alarm, it can act as a trigger. And through all this, where was his electronics/science teacher? Maybe it's just me, but if I knew my kid was going to bring something like that in, I'd ask if him if he was stupid or something.


Audioholic Chief
It turns out that the kid didn't invent anything: He merely cannibalized an old Micronta clock from Radio Shack and remounted it's guts in another case. No great engineering skills involved here.
When I was his age, 14, I was building radios and other electronic gizmos. I didn't invent anything, they were from kits you could buy at RS. Yet I did learn from them. I suspected that's exactly along the line of what he built in the first place. I've built heart rate monitors to Jacob's ladders for my wife who's a science teacher. While I didn't (re)invent anything, I sure hope it piques a want-to-learn-curiosity from her students. I'm sure it does because her students have brought in projects they've made (and were not arrested).

People in our country are overly fearful. I've spent time in 3 Muslim countries, and I'm a Jew nonetheless and would tell anyone who asked. The majority were super nice (yeah, there's always buttewipe, but that's true anywhere you go). I don't even know how many mosque's I've been through while in these countries. Still, if you could have seen and heard reactions I get telling people here about my trips you would find it hard to believe this boy wasn't "profiled." It's hard to believe how xenophobic people can be...


Audioholic Overlord
When I was this kid's age I built my first little amp from parts of two cannibalized all American 5 radios so while I admire his spirit, his skills really don't impress me.

As for muslim countries, the civilized ones have a much more black and white "legal" system than we do. If one steps over the line, there are no liberals to whine about the cruelty of the punishment. That may be why the more civilized countries have less fear of this stuff than we do. If someone screws up, the punishment is quick and severs.

Our kindness and willingness to accommodate "them" is being used against us. Look at what's going on in Europe even as we speak.


Audioholic Jedi
When I was in junior high, I had a teacher confiscate my toy gun that shot plastic discs. The injustice was palpable. Too bad the internet wasn't prevalent back would have been nice to meet President Reagan. Oh, well.

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
One day they'll hologram him just like Tupac and then you'll get your chance. It'll be interesting how this plays out in the news outlets.


Audioholic Spartan
After getting home from work my wife put on the news.
Just happens the report comes on.
Keep in mind my wife hadn't heard anything about this clock story.
They show a picture of the "Clock" and my wife's first reaction:
"That's a clock??!"
"Why did he make it look like a suitcase bomb??"


Audioholic Overlord
Poor, poor achmed. The more you pull on this thread, the more this sweater unravels.

"The photograph of him in handcuffs that has gone viral, however, was not taken as he was escorted from the high school. Rather, it was staged after his father insisted at the police station that the cuffs remain on so his sister could take the picture."

Gotta love the main stream media.

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