I've been listening to the LS50 metas and have to say they are growing on me, they perform exceptionally well at lower to mid listening levels and play as advertised when crossed over 100hz at higher levels 90 db + at 8 feet away. They are very clean and have a gentle brightness that is enjoyable. They don't have a good thump without distortion at higher levels like the other bookshelf's I was comparing them to that have 6" drivers. That is my fault thinking something magical would happen. Crossed over at 100 or 90hz they are playing very well in my environment. I guess my expectations were unreasonable. I've not reached my final opinion on these guys yet as i've been out of town lately, but the time i've spent listening to them, I can say they are growing on me, like a girlfriend that you just weren't sure about, but won't go away. The more she sticks around, the fonder she grows on me, maybe one day...