My wife and I, and some good friends of ours took a trip to Italy a few years back. While in Rome we went to the Vatican City to St. Peter's Basilica (Basilica di San Pietro)
Between the History, Statues, Architecture, Tombs and Relics, Artworks, the Dome. I was overwhelmed by all this at once. The place is massive.
But above, and beyond all that there is something special about this place. It is very hard for me to explain, because to be honest I don't know myself what I experienced, or felt.
I only go to church twice a year on Easter, and Midnight Mass at Christmas. So I'm not the most religious person in the world. But it is always special, and nice to be in church at this time of year. I feel very good when I leave.
While inside St Peter's there was a section of the church that was curtained off for prayer. No talking, no pictures, just prayer. I walked inside, and took a knee at one of the pews. I began to say a few prayers, and to talk to Jesus, and God like I always do when in church. (This is the part I can't explain.) I can't explain the presence I felt around me, and inside me. I was inside this section of the church for about 5-10 minutes. When I walked out I was in tears. I don't know what it was about this section of the church, but I did not feel it in any other part of this church. In fact I have never felt what I did in any other church I have ever been in (St. Patrick's Cathedral-New York, Notre Dame-Paris, and many others)
My wife, and friends asked me what was wrong. I said "I don't know". But I was crying.
The experience hasn't changed me, or made me born again. Regardless of what you believe, or don't believe. I think everyone should, if they have the chance to visit this place to do so.'s_Basilica