I cant believe I only just come across the jokes page. Here's an old one.
A man walks into a bar carrying a sack and sits down and orders a drink.
The barman pours him a drink and asks"What are you carrying there?"
The man replies casualy "I've got this little dude in here who plays piano"
Barman "I dont believe you"
Man "It's true, here I'll show you"
The man procceds to extract from the sack a 12" man dressed in a suit complete with a minature grand piano, who promptly starts playing an extravegant piano peice.
Absolutely amazed, the barman exclaims "Thats amazing, where on earth did you get him?"
Man "Well I found this old lamp, and when I was cleaning it up this genie popped out and said I could have any wish I wanted..."
Barman, interupting "Thats incredible!! You don't still have it, do you?"
Man, pulling the lamp from sack "Well yeah but..."
Barman "I cant believe it. I'm going to be rich!!".
With that the barman snatches the lamp and furiously begins to rub it.
Immediately a genie mists out of the lamp and proclaims "You have summond me. You have but one wish that I can grant you, so make it now!"
The barman doesn't hessitate in replying "I want a million bucks!!"
The genie gives a solom bow and disappears back into the lamp. Suddenly a million ducks appear from nowhere, flapping inside and outside the pub, breaking glassess and windows, quacking and pooping every where, swirling around and around untill eventually, they fly of into the distance leaving only silence behind.
The barman slowly rises from behind the bar, looks around with a stunned look on his face, then yells "What the hell stupid genie is that?!! I wanted a million bucks, not ducks"
The man replies "Don't look at me. Do you think I asked for a 12" pianist?!"