Let's just cut to the chase: go watch it
A bunch of us went to see it on Sunday in Dolby Cinema & Atmos. It did not feel like its nearly 3hr runtime simply because it was highly entertaining. Probably one of the best action films I've seen in a long time. As with the previous film (same team did this one), they basically had the notion of channeling their favorite action film/anime/etc... and that's the kind of thing that can work when done well. Yes, there is this sense of "just how much can one guy take", but you just roll with it because the film is fun. To me, it is a good sign for an action movie when there are multiple moments in the movie when the entire audience collectively shouts "Oh S**T!"
Not unlike Top Gun, don't expect a heavy duty story. It is pretty straight forward and is about 90% action. The cinematography is off the charts, with one scene that almost feels like you are playing a video game lol. The sound was amazingly potent, though if there was Atmos, it was not as apparent because it is sort of a wall of sound coming at you most of the time. A good time for sure, worth seeing in the theater IMO. The big studios relying on almost entirely CG and plug and play stories should take note.