I have quite a bit of experience with the car subs. I built a box for 2 13W7 with 2 JL 1000/1 amps. This is the basic design for their Gotham home sub and I can tell you that they rock the house but more importantly they are very accurate which is not common in car subs, they are usually just loud. My concern with this sub is the price. The drive in the f113 is a 13W7 which sells for about $1000 less if you look at eBay. But the home sub is over $3000. I'm not sure that it is better than other subs in the price range. For me the question is which is better 2 Definitive trinity subs ($3000 each) or one Gotham ($7500). I will say this, I have built boxes for the 8W7, 10W7, 12W7 and 13W7 and they are great sub that you can beat on and get great sound. Go listen to one if you like is and are ok wiht the money buy is, you won't be disappointed. If you are a little picky (like me) come up with a short list and listen to all of them 3 g's is a lot of money so if you are like me and have to save up for a while you wanna get it right. As far building one thats up to you. The fastest way to make a sub sound bad is to put it into a bad box. However if you are good with your hands you can go to JL's website and get the specs to build the right kind of box. If you aren't comfortable with building it I say better to spend $3000 to get it right than $1000 to get it wrong and ask yourself if the amp you get will be as good as the one JL gives you with the room EQ circuit. There was a good review of the sub in Home Theater April 2007. In the end you gotta just use your ear though it seems hard to find a dealer. The conflict is that you can't go to most car dealers to see the sub cause they don't carry it and if they do the people selling it will talk about it like it was a car sub and the demo will be loud and basically useless and most high end places will kinda turn their nose up at is because it comes from a line of subs that targets a different crowd.