WmAx said:
You make it sound as if you are being persecuted for no reason. If my memory serves correctly, this historical 'persecution' is the result of you claiming and defending as factual, cable audibility differences of cables transmitting the audio bandwidth with similar LCR parameters, but different dielectric, construction or conductor materials. Since no substation is currently known to be available in order to lend credibility to such claims, to be labeled as 'factual', then it is inappropriate and irresponsible, to claim as such. If my memory is faulty, and you only stated such things as your opinion or a theory, then I apologize. But that’s not how I remember things...
I stated that, based on my own controlled listening tests, I considered it a fact that audio cables with similar LCR parameters, but different materials, sounded different. I stated it as a fact, because I had heard this, and detected it under blind conditions, and have done so may times, repeatedly.
Since I know just how well the tests were done, and I know just how scientific and as correct as possible they were done, I also know that the results are true, and as far as I am concerned, factual information.
Now many of the naysayers like to try and dismiss those listening tests, some take the approach that the "other" listening tests did not find this to be the case, but they seldom define what those other listening tests are.
As I point out in these posts:
many of those "other" listening tests had some serious and significant flaws, and can not even be considered by anyone staking a claim to using science, as some sort of evidence. However, that does not stop certain folks from attempting to do so anyway.
Be aware that despite some claims to the contrary, none of the hard core naysayers have ever used my methods and procedures, despite the fact that my methods and procedures do not violate any scientific principles, or commit any significant flaws or mistakes.
Other naysayers take the tack that I am lying about my listening tests, either an implied or direct tack. As I have been villified somewhat regularly over the years, there are some folks who think this is a reasonable stance to take, but it only has any life at all because of the nearly constant villification a certain few continue to commit.
Still others try to dismiss them for various imagined and unimagined flaws, flaws they typically are unable to articulate or show to be true, yet that does not stop them from throwing the whole kit and kaboodle out anyway.
The bottom line here is that we have folks who are accepting and embracing as real and valid, some pretty awful science in the form of highly flawed classically executed ABX listening tests, but want to disqualify mine because they are not the exact same thing they have latched onto as THE THING, etc.
The interesting part is, that I was able to get quite a few folks to actually TRY using my methods (no, mtry has not, nor have any of his hero's), including some folks that were on the fence, and others that were decidedly anti-cable differences. ALL of them ended up getting results, all of them quit posting or never did post about their experiences after the one person who did post about them was completely and thoroughly ambushed and trashed by a group of naysayers, a group that refused to consider that a listening test that came up with positive results could be accepted.
Excuses were being pulled out of the woodwork, not one wanted to consider the "GASP" possibility that not only was I correct about at least some of my cable sonics assertions, but that my listening test methods were actually usefull, and got results!
BTW, if you would like a copy of my AES preprint on listening tests, and the update addendum I have, just send me a private e-mail and request it.
I have been getting a lot of requests lately, so I would not even know who you were along with the rest.
The other apsect of all of this, is that, with one notable exception (an individual who has gone off on a crusade about me), EVERYONE who has ever built one of my DIY cable designs has been highly impressed, and again, there have been some open-minded folks on the fence, or even leaning anti-cable, that came away understanding and believing in cable sonics after building a set of my cables.
Funny thing is, not one of my long-term, most vocal opponents has ever tried my DIY cable designs, so none of them can comment first hand on their effacy, or on what they heard (or didn't hear).
All of it is based strictly on some pretty dusty theory and supposition on the part of the naysayers, and in most cases, it is not based on actual listening experience with high performance cables, or any of my DIY designs.
Jon Risch