Intelligent Design ruling

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Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
Looking at things from the point of view of a cynical materialist, which is the more outrageous proposition--luring the proles with the promise of eternal life, or throwing 72 virgins into the bargain?
Now throw in a stripper factory, a beer volcano, and all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinners, and you've got a really great afterlife package. :D


The Dukester said:
Thanks for the compliment.:D Tis true that I have a great Shephard in whom I have no fear and who's flock I am a member.
I hope you enjoy getting fleeced.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Happy Palm Sunday

I thought all the non believers (and followers) should know what all the hubbub was about. It's a big week for Christians.

Borrowed from Wikipedia:
In the Passion Week liturgy, on Palm Sunday palm fronds (or in colder climates some kind of substitutes) are blessed outside the church building and a procession enters, singing, re-enacting the entry into Jerusalem. These palms are saved in many churches to be burned later as the source of ashes used in Ash Wednesday services. The Roman Catholic Church considers the palms to be sacramentals.

In the Episcopal Church in the United States of America, the day is officially called The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday; however, in practice it is usually termed "Palm Sunday".

The feast commemorates the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem in the days before his execution. This was the only day in which Jesus Christ set aside His ministerial role to make a political statement before His covenant people. Many Christians and Messianic Jews regard this event as the terminus of the first 69 weeks of Daniel's Prophecy of Seventy Weeks, and thereby a very holy day.

All of the Gospels report that people gave Jesus this honor. In the gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke they are reported as laying their garments and cut rushes on the street. John is the only Gospel to specifically mention palm branches. The palm branch was a symbol of triumph and victory (Leviticus 23:40 - Feast of Tabernacles, and Revelation 7:9). Because of this the detail of the palm branches and the scene of the crowd greeting Jesus as he entered Jerusalem by waving palm fronds, and carpeting his path with them, has given the day its name.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Spring Recess

What's everyones opinion of Spring Break (also called Spring Recess in public schools) being tied to Easter? I think it's a B.S. excuse for vacation originating around the Christian Holyweek of Easter.

Spring break for public schools (K-12) always take off Good Friday, and the following week after Easter.


Audioholic Samurai
Yes. Thank you for the reminder, Buckeyefan 1. And "happy" Palm Sunday back, as well as to all.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
The 10 commandments ABC

Is anyone following this? The acting is horrific. Can someone answer me a few questions regarding Moses?

1) After the exodus, Moses and Israel wandered in the wilderness 40 years.

What were these slaves thinking after two weeks? After 2 years? How about after 20 years?

2) Moses died at age 120 (about 1405 B.C.).

Is this possible? Was the air thinner back then? That's amazing.

Here's a quote off a google search (I guess anythings possible with google):

One of the most intriguing facts in the Bible is the immense life spans of the patriarchs before and just after the flood. Adam lived 930 years, Methuselah the longest lived of the patriarchs lived 969 years. Noah lived 950 years. Many scoffers state that these extended life spans are nothing more than myths and legends. They state that the figures given for the various ages of the patriarchs are fabricated.

There are many factors that could account for the lowering of the life spans after the flood. The Bible states that the flood would not only destroy the land dwelling air breathing animals but it would also destroy the earth. (Gen. 6:13; 9:11)

After the flood the earth was completely different than the earth before. There were widespread global differences. These would include changes in the climate, composition of the atmosphere, hydrologic cycle, geologic features, cosmic radiation reaching the earth, ozone concentration, ultra violet light, background radiation, genetics, diet, and a host of other subtle and/or profound chemical and physiological changes. These changes caused a rapid decline of the longevity of post flood humanity.


Seriously, I have no life.
Buckeyefan 1 said:
2) Moses died at age 120 (about 1405 B.C.).

Is this possible? Was the air thinner back then? That's amazing.
Maybe he wasn't a womanizer? :D
I am not aware of geological evidence for such a worldwide flood as claimed? Then repopulated in a few thousand years??? LOL.

I guess the laws of chance is in play but there is no real evidence for him, or others being long lived, especially back then. But one can believe anything; the universe is the limit.


Senior Audioholic
Buckeyefan 1 said:
Is anyone following this? The acting is horrific. Can someone answer me a few questions regarding Moses?

1) After the exodus, Moses and Israel wandered in the wilderness 40 years.

What were these slaves thinking after two weeks? After 2 years? How about after 20 years?

2) Moses died at age 120 (about 1405 B.C.).

Is this possible? Was the air thinner back then? That's amazing.

Here's a quote off a google search (I guess anythings possible with google):
Read "The 12<sup>th</sup> Planet" series (6 books) by Zecharia Sitchin. That will answer all your questions.

For any other religeous questions, read the subject of a recent lawsuit over in England; "The Holy Blood, Holy Grail" by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. It's a good read and makes a lot more sense than any TV evangelist.


Junior Audioholic
Buckeyefan 1 said:
Is anyone following this? The acting is horrific. Can someone answer me a few questions regarding Moses?

1) After the exodus, Moses and Israel wandered in the wilderness 40 years.

What were these slaves thinking after two weeks? After 2 years? How about after 20 years?

2) Moses died at age 120 (about 1405 B.C.).

Is this possible? Was the air thinner back then? That's amazing.
That's what you get for taking the Bible literally. :)


Junior Audioholic
Mudcat said:
Read "The 12<sup>th</sup> Planet" series (6 books) by Zecharia Sitchin. That will answer all your questions.
"If Man did not have Ancient Astronauts, he would be forced to invent Them."

Or something like that... hehe
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Mudcat said:
Read "The 12<sup>th</sup> Planet" series (6 books) by Zecharia Sitchin. That will answer all your questions.
Quote from his website:

Readers of my books will hardly need reminding that that planetary mother was called TIAMAT in the Sumerian Epic of Creation - a text deemed by scholars to be an allegory, a myth, a religious text -- but treated by me in The 12th Planet and Genesis Revisited as a sophisticated cosmogony dealing with the creation of our Solar System and the fate of Tiamat, a watery planet that had existed in the space between Mars and Jupiter and was destroyed in a celestial collision with an Invader-planet (Nibiru). As a result of the collision:

• Half of Tiamat was smashed to bits and pieces to become the asteroids and short* term comets that orbit between Mars and Jupiter;

• The other half was thrust closer to the Sun to become planet Earth;

• The leading large satellite of Tiamat (“Kingu”) was carried along to become Earth’s Moon;

• Tiamat’s other ten satellites were broken up to become comets, especially those with retrograde orbits.

Sumerian texts dealing with Nibiru explicitly state that during the collision, the life-bearing Nibiru transferred the “seed of life” - what we now call DNA and the “chemicals of life”—to the vanquished Tiamat, and thus to Earth and, we can now realize, to an asteroid called Tempel-1.
This taken from the site "Crystalinks":

Mr. Sitchen believes that we are not alone in the universe. Going back over half a million a years the planet has been visited by UFO's and aliens who come here every 3,600 hundred years, from a place called Nibiru. These entities were not reptilian in nature, but were humanoid, genetically altering the hominid race that existed on the planet at that time, to look like them, think like them, and to learn from them.

Yet there are those who believe that the entities from Nibiru - creational gods, if you will, are going to return, perhaps in May 2003. The 'feeling' of the return of alien creators has more to do with a soul member - perhaps left by the aliens themselves - that this is a time of change for humanity. It is a shift in frequency and consciousness, not an End Time scenario as most of us view it.

The Earth Chronicles series is based on the premise that mythology is not fanciful but the repository of ancient memories; that the Bible ought to be read literally as a historic/scientific document; and that ancient civilizations--older and greater than assumed--were the product of knowledge brought to Earth by the Anunnaki, "Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came." ...I trust that modern science will continue to confirm ancient knowledge.

How could they know without telescopes and spacecraft that Neptune is a watery planet? They provided the answer by saying All that we know we have learned from the Anunnaki. So, you say, Ok. There were Anunnaki. Now, who were the Anunnaki and where were they from? The Sumerians say, They came here from Nibiru. And you say, What is Nibiru? So they say, It is one more planet in our solar system.

Now, if you say, I'm really impressed by the Sumerian knowledge, and, maybe they knew what they were talking about regarding the Anunnaki. But I don't think there is another planet with these advanced beings on it near Earth. If so, what is your explanation of who Anunnaki were? Was there really a race of giants who existed on Earth half a million years ago? Do you believe there was a civilization on Earth half a million years ago that surpassed our own and disappeared? When the focus shifts to explaining those other people, you have no explanation. I then say, if you have no explanation, why not accept the word of the Sumerians?

We look like them. They made us through genetic engineering. They jumped the gun on evolution, and made us to look like them physically, and to be like them emotionally. That is what the Bible says: Let us make the Adam in our likeness and after our image. Physically, outwardly and inwardly. So much of what they are, we are.

There is a tremendous difference in the lifespan, which is the cause of the notions of their immortality. Because one year to them is one orbit of theirs around the sun. So, one of their years equals three-thousand-six-hundred of ours. This is the key difference between us and them.

Then there is the difference in their technological advancement which enables them not only to travel in space, and to have traveled half a million years ago, but also to revive the dead and do other things which in biblical times were considered miracles.
OMG, is this guy serious? Seems like some great fiction.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Mudcat said:
For any other religeous questions, read the subject of a recent lawsuit over in England; "The Holy Blood, Holy Grail" by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. It's a good read and makes a lot more sense than any TV evangelist.
Not that I'm a big televangelist follower, but I think this site sums up that book well.


Junior Audioholic
It made for an interesting book though - The Da Vinci Code. :)
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
National Geographic Channel

At 10pm eastern tonight, the National Geographic Channel has a special on Exodus. It appears they may try to explain the parting of the Red Sea. This should be good. ;)


Buckeyefan 1 said:
Quote from his website:

This taken from the site "Crystalinks":

OMG, is this guy serious? Seems like some great fiction.

Before you make fun of him, read his books. They are very interesting. Use an open mind. The guy has done his homework, and is one of the best translators of Sumerian/Akkadian/Babylonian texts.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
annunaki said:
Before you make fun of him, read his books. They are very interesting. Use an open mind. The guy has done his homework, and is one of the best translators of Sumerian/Akkadian/Babylonian texts.
Beleive me, I wanted to. I spent over two hours reading up on his works. The more reviews I read, the more I - well, lets just say I'll hold on to my money for now. I think he and Eugene Wesley Roddenberry would have had very enlightening conversations back in the day. ;)
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
The History Channel - watch tonight 9-10pm eastern

Tonight they are airing "10 Days/America" from 9-10pm eastern. "Battle over the teaching of evolution."
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Scopes trial - Great quotes from the documentary tonight from the History Channel:

Fundamentalists say Scientists claim we are "Unplanned purposeless accidents." I can think of a few people that fit that bill well. :D

"80% of Europeans and Far Easterners believe in evolution." Boy, is the US behind the times. Christian Fundamentalism really has it's claws anchored in this great nation.

Here's a little background on the trial. Mtrycrafts, you will enjoy this.


Seriously, I have no life.
Buckeyefan 1 said:
Scopes trial - Great quotes from the documentary tonight from the History Channel:

Fundamentalists say Scientists claim we are "Unplanned purposeless accidents." I can think of a few people that fit that bill well. :D

"80% of Europeans and Far Easterners believe in evolution." Boy, is the US behind the times. Christian Fundamentalism really has it's claws anchored in this great nation.

Here's a little background on the trial. Mtrycrafts, you will enjoy this.

Great, thanks. I saved it and will read it. I saw one of those old black and white movies of it:)
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Pope Calls Judas Double-Crosser in Homily

Yahoo news 4/13/06

By DANIELA PETROFF, Associated Press Writer

Pope Benedict XVI Thursday recounted the Biblical betrayal of Jesus by Judas, calling the apostle a double-crosser for whom "money was more important than communion with Jesus, more important than God and his love."

Benedict's traditional depiction of Judas came during his Holy Thursday homily, a week after the release of an ancient Egyptian Coptic text dubbed the "Gospel of Judas," in which Judas is portrayed not as Jesus' betrayer but as his confidant who was doing his will by handing him over to his enemies to be crucified.

Holy Thursday marks the start of a series of solemn ceremonies in the Catholic Church in which the faithful relive Jesus' suffering, crucifixion and death — and then his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

During the service, the holy father humbly washed the feet of 12 men, re-enacting Jesus' washing of his apostles' feet during the Last Supper and saying the act cleansed the "filth" of mankind.

As a choir's hymn filled St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome, Benedict poured water from a golden vase over each of the men's feet and scrubbed each one dry in an act of humility and service.

In his homily, Benedict said Jesus washed his disciples' feet to purify them so they could join him at the Last Supper, the meal which the faithful believe Jesus shared with his apostles before he was betrayed by his apostle Judas and crucified.

"God comes down and becomes a slave; he washes our feet so we can be at his table," Benedict said. "The bath in which he washes us is his love, ready to confront death. Only love has the purifying force that takes away our filth and elevates us to God."

Benedict's homily adhered to the traditional portrayal of Judas as betraying Jesus.

The "Gospel of Judas" tells a far different tale from the four gospels in the New Testament. It portrays Judas as a favored disciple who was given special knowledge by Jesus — and turned him in at Jesus' request. It portrays Judas as being told spiritual secrets that the other apostles were not.

The Egyptian Coptic text, one of several ancient documents found in the Egyptian desert in 1970, was preserved and translated by a team of scholars. The text was made public last week.

Benedict presided over another Mass dedicated to priests during which he recalled the sacrifice of a cleric slain in Turkey.

Benedict read a letter written by Rev. Andrea Santoro in which the Italian prelate spoke of his willingness to offer his own body for the sake of preaching Catholicism in largely Muslim Turkey.

Santoro, 60, was shot and killed Feb. 5 while he prayed in his parish in the Black Sea city of Trabzon. Witnesses said the killer, a 16-year-old boy, screamed "Allahu Akbar," Arabic for "God is great," before firing two bullets into Santoro's back.

Benedict quoted Santoro as saying in his letter that he had chosen to live in Turkey to be among its people, "lending" his body to Christ to do so.

Santoro's slaying occurred at the height of unrest in the Muslim world over caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad published in Europe. Top church officials have called Santoro a martyr.

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