Intelligent Design ruling

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Audioholic Chief
Buckeyefan 1 said:
Pretty amazing this has survived this long.
Ya, it outlasted your basketball team!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

sorry, that was a low blow (but totally necessary since I'm from Michigan)
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
alandamp said:
Ya, it outlasted your basketball team!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

sorry, that was a low blow (but totally necessary since I'm from Michigan)
OSU looked horrible the last three games. It's like they forgot how to play. Shooting percentage was pi$$ poor. GTown schooled them hard.

BTW, the flying spaghetti monster is pretty sacrilegious - don't you think? Those are some pretty large meatballs. :eek:
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
Buckeyefan 1 said:
BTW, the flying spaghetti monster is pretty sacrilegious - don't you think? Those are some pretty large meatballs. :eek:
people can only see what they subconsciously want to see about FSM. he is invisible afterall.

I just had an idea for a FSM movie: The exorcism of Hector Boyardee!
Mr. Lamb Fries

Mr. Lamb Fries

Full Audioholic
Buckeyefan 1 said:
What is the next closest? Pretty amazing this has survived this long.

I have no idea whats the next closest. I always get a little excited when this thread shows up when I search "New Posts". (Along with: Play Room/inhouse Daycare & Jokes... Heard any good ones lately?)

As everyone else here, Ive got my own opinions. I choose not to engage in this thread as I am sure no one is going to be swayed from their original respected beliefs. It is quite entertaing and informative to get peoples take on this topic. I respect everyones point of view, and really enjoy a meaningfull, civilized debate on such a controversial topic.


Buckeyefan 1 said:
Sure, but that doens't make Jesus any less of the figure He is. The same is true with Allah, Jahweh, Rama, Muhammad, etc...
Who gets to decide how much of a 'figure' he is? Some people aren't even sure he existed, or if he did, how much that was written about him is true.

Imagine where religion would be today without politics and governments.

I'd love for religion to be harmless. It's done enough damage already.


Buckeyefan 1 said:
Is there one good website with all the info on the Gnostic Gospels? I would think they'd be an interesting read.



God is pretend.

I've stayed out of this one also. I agree with Mr. Fries and think no one can be swayed by debate(regarding religion). It ether makes sense to you or not I guess. I wish someone would speak up if they have been "converted" to believe or not from the discussion. Anyway I do enjoy reading what people say one way or the other.:)

Padding the post #

P.S. Sheeps "lost it" thread was very long also(33 pages,327 posts). No one touched it when I bumped it up last time I had a few questions(except The Dukester in PM)? Sorry if it's been mentioned.

What was the longest thread ever on AH? Could a mod or admin look that up without much trouble. Just curious.:)
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
krabapple said:

With all the junk mail/magazines we get at this house, I feel guilty adding to the destruction of forests. (JK, not really a tree hugger, but the polar caps are melting :rolleyes: ).

You are so right when you say BOOKS. So many have given up on books because of the net, and information being at our fingertips. Nothing beats relaxing with a good book. It's definitely not as hard on the eyes as an LCD. :eek:
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
ironlung said:
I've stayed out of this one also. I agree with Mr. Fries and think no one can be swayed by debate(regarding religion). It ether makes sense to you or not I guess. I wish someone would speak up if they have been "converted" to believe or not from the discussion. Anyway I do enjoy reading what people say one way or the other.:)
I was disappointed when Clint backed out of this thread. I think Clint, the Dukester, and Mulester did wonders for those who still follow this path to salvation. The numbers weighed heavily against them, but they still did a nice job backing their beliefs. I think a lot of passive members were happy to see them post, keeping to their religious beliefs.

I don't think intelligent design will ever make it in public schools, but I also feel it will never leave those who believe.


Buckeyefan 1 said:
I was disappointed when Clint backed out of this thread. I think Clint, the Dukester, and Mulester did wonders for those who still follow this path to salvation. The numbers weighed heavily against them, but they still did a nice job backing their beliefs. I think a lot of passive members were happy to see them post, keeping to their religious beliefs.

I don't think intelligent design will ever make it in public schools, but I also feel it will never leave those who believe.
You could say the same thing about the lottery and people who play 'lucky numbers'.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
The Great Schism of 1054

Many of you will find this extremely important.
By NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press Writer Wed Mar 22, 3:24 PM ET

Vatican took the unusual step Wednesday of explaining its decision to renounce a title popes have used for nearly 1,500 years, saying the omission of "patriarch of the West" should benefit relations with the Orthodox Church, not hinder them.

In the 2006 edition of the Annuario Pontificio, the Vatican's 2,373-page directory of prelates, Vatican offices and dioceses around the world, the title "patriarch of the West" was left out of the list of titles that
Pope Benedict XVI holds.

Some Orthodox scholars questioned the motives behind the omission, asking whether it might mean Benedict was signaling a broader, or at least different interpretation, of his role as pope and the role of patriarchates in the Eastern traditions of Christianity.

The Catholic and Orthodox churches split in the Great Schism of 1054, largely because of disagreements over the primacy of the pope. The issue remains the main stumbling block to efforts to reunify the two churches.

One official of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop Hilarion of Vienna, Austria, told the Interfax news agency this month that the omission would not improve Catholic-Orthodox relations and "could be viewed as a further claim to the church's worldwide jurisdiction, which is reflected in the pontiff's other titles."

Those include bishop of Rome, vicar of Christ, successor of the prince of the apostles, and supreme pontiff of the universal church.

On Wednesday, the Vatican's office for relations with other Christians issued a statement to clarify the omission.

It said the title was first used in 642 by Pope Theodore I, but that its exact meaning had always been vague and, over time, had become "obsolete and practically speaking unusable."

Abandoning the title changed nothing about the Vatican's recognition of the ancient patriarchal churches, and could not be interpreted as suggesting any new claim to them, it said.

"The renunciation of the title seeks to express a historic and theological reality, and at the same time seeks to be a renunciation of a claim — a renunciation that could be of benefit to ecumenical dialogue," the statement said.

Benedict has said uniting all Christians and healing the schism with the Orthodox were "fundamental" priorities of his pontificate. Orthodox leaders have generally welcomed his outreach.

Meanwhile, members of the College of Cardinals begun arriving in Rome for a ceremony Friday to create 15 new "princes" of the Catholic Church — the first time the college has gathered as a whole since Benedict was elected pontiff last April.

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
krabapple said:
Well, that's one idea. And that's just one religion, there's all the others too, many of which don't even include that Jesus guy. So 'very true', it isn't.

Very true that there are many other religions, but my statement is also very true. It's not my story, it's God's, but I'm sticking with it...all the way to Glory!

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
ironlung said:
I wish someone would speak up if they have been "converted" to believe or not from the discussion. Anyway I do enjoy reading what people say one way or the other.:)

I do, also.


Audioholic Warlord
I have. I went from thinking religion was alright(as long as I wasn't involved), to campaigning against church goers. :rolleyes:



Bad guys always win!

This is not exactly in the intellegent design theme but this seems to be where the religious debate is continuing after the "lost it" thread died.

On my way to work this morning in the usual traffic jams here in Chicago. I take 55 north to 94 north for people familar with the area. The ramp is very very long between these expressways maybe a mile or so of merging area. Get in at the end of the line at 5:30am and you might make it to work by 6:00am 2 miles away.

But only chumps like me get in at the end of the line.

The "smart" people don't inch their way down. They fly down the expressway to the solid lines as far as thay can(they would go farther if it wasn't for the nasty barrels and cement walls) and force their way in at the last chance.

This in turn make the chumps angry and the chumps try to block them out making it slower for everyone witch makes more "smart" people try to pull off the as$hole move and the dance goes on and on and on.

This is nothing new and hardly worth mentioning. I've been doing it since '98 and others alot longer than that. This morning had a little twist. Lucky for me I was not involved but the poor sap in front of me was. In an effort to block out a van comming across the paint(and make the world a better place) he ripped the bumper off a limo in front of him and bent up his own hood. As I went around the accident watching the limo driver pumping his fist at Sappy, Mr. Smarty Van Smartenstein picked another gap and went merrily on without a scratch.

I was spared the incident because god does not punish the retarded. I can only assume that Sappy deserved what he got, Pumpy McFist was being tested and Mr. Smarty Van Smartenstein was on his way to do god's work(save some puppy's from a fire or something).

After all the world is not a random $hit/glory hole right?

Sorry for the hi-jack,

P.S. This post has humor in it:eek:
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Your personality is in your Ipod

Jeff Nesmith - Cox News Service 3-25-06

..."We found there is a high level of consensus that certain types of music reflect personality characteristics, said Rentfrow, who is now a professor of psychology at the University of Cambridge in England...Although the article did not directly compare music genres with personality assessments, Renfrow said that, in general, students whose lists emphasized country and western music were seen as emotionally stable, while jazz lovers were viewed as open-minded. Those who preferred hip-hop, as well as other music that emphasized lyrics, were considered more extroverted, while classical-music lovers were conisdered introverted, friendly and conscientious...people whose lists favored religious and Christian music, Rentfrow said...They were seen as forgiving, trusting, and lacking imagination..."


Buckeyefan 1 said:
...people whose lists favored religious and Christian music, Rentfrow said...They were seen as forgiving, trusting, and lacking imagination..."
It's almost a prerequisite to be trusting(blindly so) and lack curiosity to buy that god stuff lock stock and barrel.;)

I thought my pointless ramblings above killed this thread......whew:)

BTW where is Zeus and his lightning with all the rush hour shenanigans?:D
JoeE SP9

JoeE SP9

Senior Audioholic
Buckeyefan 1 said:
Just released this afternoon:

A federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled Tuesday that teaching "intelligent design" to public school science classes is unconstitutional, calling the concept that parts of the universe are the result of an intelligent designer "a religious view." -Jill Lawrence, USA TODAY

Full story:
"Intelligent design" should be called wishful thinking.:cool:
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