Intelligent Design ruling

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Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
C'mon guys. Those don't count. You need to add a picture or something. For instance, here's where Sheep came from: :rolleyes:

Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Sheep said:
what the truck is that? some sort of snake worm eel?

BTW, when this thread gets close, I just delete my posts. :)


Sheep - you are the chess player. ;)

It's a lung fish. Pretty interesting character.

Lungfish are believed to be the closest living relatives of the tetrapods, and share a number of important characteristics with them. Among these characters are tooth enamel, separation of pulmonary blood flow from body blood flow, arrangement of the skull bones, and the presence of four similarly sized limbs with the same position and structure as the four tetrapod legs.

Lungfishes are very interesting specimens. They can live through the dry season through what is called aestivation. They bury themselves into the mud, curl up into a ball, and secrete a mucus which hardens to form a cocoon. They can then live through the dry season until the next rainfall.

You may also get a kick out of hagfish and lampreys.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Philosophy of Design

Can high schools legally teach Intelligent Design if they call the elective class "Philosphy of Design?" Some attorneys think so in California.,0,4360972.story?coll=la-headlines-california

Here's a section of todays article:

"The hullabaloo erupted after disgruntled parents joined with Americans United for Separation of Church and State to challenge a course at Frazier Mountain High School that they consider a minimally disguised endorsement of intelligent design.

Intelligent design holds that some biological systems are so complex they could not have evolved through random mutations, as Darwin theorized, but must have sprung from the work of a larger master plan.

The course, which began Jan. 3, is scheduled to run for one month. The teacher is Sharon Lemburg, a special education instructor and the wife of a minister for the local Assembly of God Church, which supports fundamentalist Christian tenets about creationism.

An initial course description, which was distributed to students and their families last month, said "the class will take a close look at evolution as a theory and will discuss the scientific, biological and biblical aspects that suggest why Darwin's philosophy is not rock solid."

"Did God guide me to do this?" Lemburg asked, during an interview on the porch of her log house. "I would hope so."


One more post and we will be where no Audioholic has been before...............


Seriously, I have no life.
Buckeyefan 1 said:
Can high schools legally teach Intelligent Design if they call the elective class "Philosphy of Design?" Some attorneys think so in California.,0,4360972.story?coll=la-headlines-california

Here's a section of todays article:

"The hullabaloo erupted after disgruntled parents joined with Americans United for Separation of Church and State to challenge a course at Frazier Mountain High School that they consider a minimally disguised endorsement of intelligent design.

Intelligent design holds that some biological systems are so complex they could not have evolved through random mutations, as Darwin theorized, but must have sprung from the work of a larger master plan.

The course, which began Jan. 3, is scheduled to run for one month. The teacher is Sharon Lemburg, a special education instructor and the wife of a minister for the local Assembly of God Church, which supports fundamentalist Christian tenets about creationism.

An initial course description, which was distributed to students and their families last month, said "the class will take a close look at evolution as a theory and will discuss the scientific, biological and biblical aspects that suggest why Darwin's philosophy is not rock solid."

"Did God guide me to do this?" Lemburg asked, during an interview on the porch of her log house. "I would hope so."
Doesn't sound like that teacher is qualified for that class as a comparative philosophy class? Sounds like she has a very strong bias, not to teach but to preach her dogma.


Audioholic Chief
Buckle-meister said:
334? Your post was number 328. Am I missing something here? :confused:
You're missing the fact that the thread magically reordered itself. It was #334 yesterday. I'm guessing that Sheep has been deleting all his posts because he doesn't want this thread to break the record for most posts.

Actually, I'm deleting my post also because it doesn't make any sense. I'm hot. Intelligent design all the way!!!!


Audioholic Field Marshall
alandamp said:
You're missing the fact that the thread magically reordered itself. It was #334 yesterday. I'm guessing that Sheep has been deleting all his posts because he doesn't want this thread to break the record for most posts.

Sheep: You only have a finite number of posts...:D
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
I have 4 wisdom teeth that had to be removed surgically (Two upper and two lower). Does that sound like an intelligent design to you?
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
I was watching the history channel last night, and there was a show on called "Banned from the Bible." Has anyone seen it? It talked about all the books not making it in. Some of the reasons were that women were not respected (especially Mary Magdalene - whom is never mentioned as a prostitute in the Bible, but readily accepted by scholars), that some were too graphic (even if they were the "word of God"). It really raises an eyebrow for those who take the bible word for word are missing out on some very important info. It's sort of sad to see such a book get edited like it did. A lot was edited out in the 4th century. Take for instance:
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
mtrycrafts said:
Doesn't sound like that teacher is qualified for that class as a comparative philosophy class? Sounds like she has a very strong bias, not to teach but to preach her dogma.
Many of those communities up in the mountains are similar to third world countries. The Bible is all they have, and once they're saved, it gives them new meaning to life. Try telling those teachers otherwise. I bet it gets ugly in the next few years when parents make schools pull out creationist teaching in public schools - you know it's taking place.
Buckeyefan 1

Buckeyefan 1

Audioholic Ninja
Originally Posted by alandamp

Buckle: 334? Your post was number 328. Am I missing something here?
Nah, we'll give him credit for #334.


Buckeyefan 1 said:
I was watching the history channel last night, and there was a show on called "Banned from the Bible." Has anyone seen it? It talked about all the books not making it in. Some of the reasons were that women were not respected (especially Mary Magdalene - whom is never mentioned as a prostitute in the Bible, but readily accepted by scholars), that some were too graphic (even if they were the "word of God"). It really raises an eyebrow for those who take the bible word for word are missing out on some very important info. It's sort of sad to see such a book get edited like it did. A lot was edited out in the 4th century. Take for instance:

That show was quite informative. Like I've said all along (and got into many arguments with family) the Bible was written by MAN. It has been changed and rewritten so many time to make the ruler of the day happy who's to say what was originally written. They mentioned entire books that have been removed even though they are reference in other books.

SHEEP: for every one you remove, I'll add another :p


Audioholic General
majorloser said:
That show was quite informative. Like I've said all along (and got into many arguments with family) the Bible was written by MAN. It has been changed and rewritten so many time to make the ruler of the day happy who's to say what was originally written. They mentioned entire books that have been removed even though they are reference in other books.

SHEEP: for every one you remove, I'll add another :p
Thats just what i've said about the bible for years. Its like that game you play,a much of people sit in a circle and the first tells the person next to them a story and so on and so on and by the time it gets to the last person,it barley has any of the org story left.


Audioholic Field Marshall
shokhead said:
...a bunch of people sit in a circle...
Seeing as this thread's a little philisophical, may I ask; what counts as a circle?

If two people make a line, three make a triangle, four make a square etc, how many people make a circle? :D


Full Audioholic
It's a figurative circle - as few as two, with no upper limit. Flexibility in language; no wonder we have so many misunderstandings.


Circle of Friends

Why do I picture this circle as a group of guy sitting around the campfire drunk trying to ignite the elusive “blue flame”?
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