It depends on the maximum rated output too, that's just math... My A21's (John Curl design) spec says 130 V/µsecond, better than my Bryston's 60 V/µsecond and the Anthem STR's 30 V/µsecond. The A21's spec for TIM is: "unmeasurable" if you can believe them. Passlab's class A and class AB amps are all rated 50 V/µsecond.
So yours 80 V/µsecond does not suck at all, it is actually excellent, as long as it is not rated for the likes of 1 kW or more super high output.
Based on published specs only, it looks like Parasound's John Curl designed Halo amps all have very high slew rate, and actually specified TIM, that is one spec that is hard to find, but when found, they seem to typically say unmeasurable or virtually non existent etc.
None of those were measured though, and we are not even speculating whether the different specs would result in audible differences. I am just talking about difference in specs so far.
To be clear, I have no intention to participate in any debate, but I find it amazing to read about how so many people had heard night and day differences while others have hard time telling the differences even between very different designs. Roger Russell (someone who presumable wanted to tell the truth about audio..) cited a relatively recent case in 2007, when people had hard time telling the difference (sound quality of course
) between a 35 W classic tube amp that was just updated, and a >200 W Denon solid state amp. He noted that the tube amp has moderate negative feedback. I was wondering why they didn't pick a so called warm sounding Marantz SS amp to have a better fighting chance.
Sorry I digressed, and I just want to share some interesting reads on perhaps remotely related topics.