I'm the the process of refoaming two of the 4 woofers in my Infinity speakers. I was successful with the first.. the second just doesn't feel right though.
I refoamed it and pressed around the sides and all are good accept one side where it was scraping, didn't even test just ripped the foam off and started again.. the foam wasn't centered very well on the cone so I figured that was the problem. Now I have the foam glued perfectly to the cone and I'm running into issues as I am doing some testing before glueing to the basket.
The cone feels looser than the first one I did which turned out well.
I can't seem to get inside of the voicecoil to center properly around the magnet (Even using shims)
There was some black substance on the inside of the voicecoil which either I don't know what it was or it was from my sloppy cleaning with the dust cover removed. If the later was the issue I may have gotten sticky substance on the inside of the voicecoil
If a sticky substance is the issue how would you recommend trying to clean? the gap is very small.. maybe .5mm on either side of the voicecoil.
I didn't see any problems with the spider.. what would I look for? I didn't see any rips.
How hard is it to take the cone off of the spider, clean, check, and put back together?
Any other suggestions are certainly welcomed as I'm new to this type of work.