Warpdrv: Cool now i know what you meant. Like i said i am just now in the early learning stages of IB. Since this is really the only forum that i visit daily it was just convenient for me to get feedback here. This is one of the few sites that responds within minutes or hours. Just like your response about thw "cult"
Isiberian: Yes i will absolutely post pics of my IB project. Like i said, it is still early & id probably have to sell my 15H in order to fund the project. So as of right now its a lot of reading, posting & getting a game plan. Then of course comes "growing some b@lls" & taking the plung. Selling my beloved VTF-15h for something ive never heard in person then hacking up my house is gonna take some faith, haha!!
I just finished a little sealed enclosure build for a simple 10" Boston G2 sub for my ride. That was a fun little project with great results. Im not sure how soon this IB build will be but i promise, you guys will be the first to hear about it & first to see pics!!