You are talking exactly the opposite of my interest which helped me!
Reading this, I realize that I am not really looking for a
subwoofer, I am looking for a competent
woofer to round out BS speakers on a tight budget!
There are always people looking for an inexpensive stereo setup ($300-$400 for speakers). Right now, I would direct them to a pair of Pioneer FS52 speakers ($260). However, these really don't have the kind of solid bass I would like to recommend. They are good for the ~5" woofers, but don't compare to the 10"-12" acoustic suspension woofers I grew up with. The remaining budget of $40-$140 isn't going to supply that extra bass.
So the next thought is if you need a sub anyway, why not switch to a 2.1 system using Pioneer BS22 speakers with "sub".
For a $400 speaker budget, trying to reach 20Hz seems counterproductive. Playing down to 35-40Hz and doing it well would be great! With the budget constraint, I also wouldn't expect over 90db (including room gain), as long as it "topped out" gracefully.
I think the NHT 8" sub is probably perfect except it would completely blow the budget.
So let me revamp this.
Any ideas on a (sub)woofer to complement the Pioneer BS22 (or other small BS) speakers:
Pioneer SP-BS22-LR Speaker System HT Labs Measures | Home Theater
The bottom end is roughly 70Hz, so about 100Hz would be the crossover point and rolling off at 35-40 hz.
I see this as a very useful product, but the problem is this product would result in lots of returns if it was in Best Buy unless it was marketed as being something other than a subwoofer in the normal HT sense.