Seriously, I have no life.
Indicted on 7 charges in Florida
Trouble is that idiot McCarthy is carrying Trump's water and some others as well. This is a very dangerous game. What they ought to be doing is suspending Trump's membership in the Republican party pending the outcome of his legal issues.


Audioholic Samurai
Nothing like going to an audio forum and seeing 4/5 recent posts about Trump. I thought I was on CNN LOL. No I am not a Trump Supporter, was hoping to see new audio posts.

Trump will not win re-election even if he clears these multiple legal issues.
Neither the Blue or Red have a good candidate I would vote for


Audioholic Jedi
Well, it is the steam vent. Keep to audio oriented subforums if you want to avoid the POS that drumphy and the republicans are these days.


Republicans are not the problem, it's people that are brainwashed like yourself and do not see that both parties are being controlled by the corporate elite and the whole battle between red and blue is just a smoke screen to confuse the real issues and polarize us. Which you have fallen for hook, line and sinker. So before you offend 80 million voters that weren't dead or voting twice, maybe think twice about perspective and tact. Besides, isn't this an audio forum. You're in the wrong forum for this b.s. Go to Reddit where they are all brainwashed like yourself.


Audioholic Jedi
Republicans are not the problem, it's people that are brainwashed like yourself and do not see that both parties are being controlled by the corporate elite and the whole battle between red and blue is just a smoke screen to confuse the real issues and polarize us. Which you have fallen for hook, line and sinker. So before you offend 80 million voters that weren't dead or voting twice, maybe think twice about perspective and tact.
Republicans supporting someone like drumphy and the lies and the bullshit are certainly a bigger part of the problem. I don't worry about those who continued to vote for drumphy, their sensibilities are lacking to put it lightly. 80 million fools are still fools. Just look at the prevalence of audiophoolery in the audio hobby as a guideline.


Trouble is that idiot McCarthy is carrying Trump's water and some others as well. This is a very dangerous game. What they ought to be doing is suspending Trump's membership in the Republican party pending the outcome of his legal issues.
Biden: "I used to let them run their fingers on my leg hairs and watch them stand up." "Corn Pop was a bad dude." "I was 30, she was 12."
Me: Afghanistan, Southern Border, Nuclear war with Russia, Biden's family corruption, Biden's political corruption. Need I go on and on and on. How can you defend this, and why on a audio forum? Can you even see that they've been throwing everything and anything at Trump for years now even making poop up. I truth check everything I hear from the media and I found out that they lied about everything. Everything. So everything you believe from them is a lie and incorrect. Even the internet papers lied. I caught so many lies about this man that I believe him now. BECAUSE I CHECKED THE SOURCE AND SPENT HOURS WATCHING BORING SH1ZZ TO GET THE TRUTH. If you want some proof, Here's just a little taste of what I found that you won't find on mainstream TV There is sooo much more that I have so many things that are being covered up. The so called conspiracy theory has been PROVEN, but still laughed away from the left. Just open your eyes and watch.


Republicans supporting someone like drumphy and the lies and the bullshit are certainly a bigger part of the problem. I don't worry about those who continued to vote for drumphy, their sensibilities are lacking to put it lightly. 80 million fools are still fools. Just look at the prevalence of audiophoolery in the audio hobby as a guideline.
You won't even look at the evidence, yet you say it doesn't exist. We're the fools. No my friend. Those who follow blindly follow people who lie, cheat, and steal are the fools. No, Biden and the left didn't win fairly. There is a tremendous amount of evidence that the left calls false claims, but then put up interference to get to the truth. The whole system is so corrupt on both sides, but more on the left.


Audioholic Jedi
You won't even look at the evidence, yet you say it doesn't exist. We're the fools. No my friend. Those who follow blindly follow people who lie, cheat, and steal are the fools. No, Biden and the left didn't win fairly. There is a tremendous amount of evidence that the left calls false claims, but then put up interference to get to the truth. The whole system is so corrupt on both sides, but more on the left.
You're just nuts it seems. Living in a fantasy world of propaganda. Sad.

ps What evidence are you on about? Post it up.


Audioholic Samurai
Well, it is the steam vent. Keep to audio oriented subforums if you want to avoid the POS that drumphy and the republicans are these days.
If you read my quote, 4 of the 5 most recent posts were about trump, that part of the website to the Right side (not political right) :), I do know what forum I am on. Hopping off now to let you all battle it out, enjoy!


You're just nuts it seems. Living in a fantasy world of propaganda. Sad.

ps What evidence are you on about? Post it up.
Except I don't even own a TV. I stopped watching the propaganda about 5 years ago. Instead, what I started doing was actually fact checking everything Ithat people were saying because I used to be democrat. I voted for Obama 2x and Clinton, but Trump sounded much better than Biden so I independently started looking up what we were being fed to make up my mind about him. What I found was a pack of lies and cover ups everywhere on the left. I also concluded that this corruption was widespread and deeply implanted carefully and ruthlessly. For instance the FBI, and justice department, and homeland security are all bought puppets. Biden himself bought out. Soros, gates, and Clinton foundation have been making dummy corporations and "smurfing" in money to campaigns to remain undetected. Companies like Apple have also joined together to put money, 90 million dollars yo be exact into campaigns like secretary of state and election officials, the ones running the elections across the country. The proof is irrefutable. The smurfs would deposit 10000 then 10000 then 10000 into dummy company who would then make corporate donation. This has all been orchestrated by the richest people in the world that have an agenda not conducive to us, The US, surviving. It's not a conspiracy theory anymore as all of this is stuff that has been reported and disclosed. None of it was mainstream as they won't tell the truth, but the sources are genuine. So you can call me names but you'll still be a blind brainwashed dem like I used to be. Both sides are bad due to money in politics. Until we get rid of the incentive to destroy and control it will happen from both sides. Hope you keep learning dude.


Audioholic Spartan
Republicans supporting someone like drumphy and the lies and the bullshit are certainly a bigger part of the problem. I don't worry about those who continued to vote for drumphy, their sensibilities are lacking to put it lightly. 80 million fools are still fools. Just look at the prevalence of audiophoolery in the audio hobby as a guideline.
Who says Republicans want to support him? We're stuck with him like a peice of gum on our shoe ever since he upset Hillary back in 2016. Problem is we can't get rid of the fu$%er now because of his fan base and the fact that no candidate stands a chance against him in the primaries.

All the reasons I don't like Biden as a candidate are the same reasons I don't like Trump in 2024. The biggest issue is the age of both

I mean the Democratic Party is allowing Biden to skip the primaries. What kind of bullsh$t is that? I actually like RFK Jr. And would like to see a debate against those 2 and some other candidates as well. We the American people are supposed to vote for you. We deserve to hear your reasons why your supposed to get our support. I mean what the fu#% is wrong with the dude? Is all that sh$t talk about dementia true is that why your falling off airplanes and sh$t for crying out loud.

On the other hand Trump is talking about doing the same thing. Skipping his primaries. That's bullsh$t as well and gets no respect from me. You actually afraid Trump that some of the Republican candidates not only won't let you bully them on the stage but they also might rip your a$$ to shreds in an actual debate where you have to drop your ego and actually use your brain?

Man give me some real candidates who aren't old a$$fossils who can't or won't come out and explain and prove to me why they're vision and policies are better then the other candidates. The sooner both these old relics can't run anymore the better. There's a lot of new candidates in both parties that I'd like to see what they have to say.


Audioholic Spartan
Except I don't even own a TV. I stopped watching the propaganda about 5 years ago. Instead, what I started doing was actually fact checking everything Ithat people were saying because I used to be democrat. I voted for Obama 2x and Clinton, but Trump sounded much better than Biden so I independently started looking up what we were being fed to make up my mind about him. What I found was a pack of lies and cover ups everywhere on the left. I also concluded that this corruption was widespread and deeply implanted carefully and ruthlessly. For instance the FBI, and justice department, and homeland security are all bought puppets. Biden himself bought out. Soros, gates, and Clinton foundation have been making dummy corporations and "smurfing" in money to campaigns to remain undetected. Companies like Apple have also joined together to put money, 90 million dollars yo be exact into campaigns like secretary of state and election officials, the ones running the elections across the country. The proof is irrefutable. The smurfs would deposit 10000 then 10000 then 10000 into dummy company who would then make corporate donation. This has all been orchestrated by the richest people in the world that have an agenda not conducive to us, The US, surviving. It's not a conspiracy theory anymore as all of this is stuff that has been reported and disclosed. None of it was mainstream as they won't tell the truth, but the sources are genuine. So you can call me names but you'll still be a blind brainwashed dem like I used to be. Both sides are bad due to money in politics. Until we get rid of the incentive to destroy and control it will happen from both sides. Hope you keep learning dude.
While I agree with you I hope you remember to stress equally the sentence you said at the end. BOTH SIDES ARE BAD DUE TO MONEY IN POLITICS. The right is just as bad about it as the left. I'm a very unhappy conservative who had to register independent due to what my party has become. I'm just waiting for a good candidate and the right policies to come that halfway are based in some reality and commen sense. Right now I don't care who it is Right or Left I'll take the first party that makes sense.

We have huge potential security issues overseas with Russia and China. A severe border crises, homelessness, and lack of veteran support. Mental illness is out of control, crime is out of control, our kids are suffering because of the damage our educational infrastructure took after the pandemic. We need practical solutions for climate change. Give me someone with some realistic practical solutions to those problems right or left I could give a sh$t which side it is.


Audioholic General
There have been quite a few bots show up here the last few we have a very specialized one.



Audioholic Spartan
Biden: "I used to let them run their fingers on my leg hairs and watch them stand up." "Corn Pop was a bad dude." "I was 30, she was 12."
Me: Afghanistan, Southern Border, Nuclear war with Russia, Biden's family corruption, Biden's political corruption. Need I go on and on and on. How can you defend this, and why on a audio forum? Can you even see that they've been throwing everything and anything at Trump for years now even making poop up. I truth check everything I hear from the media and I found out that they lied about everything. Everything. So everything you believe from them is a lie and incorrect. Even the internet papers lied. I caught so many lies about this man that I believe him now. BECAUSE I CHECKED THE SOURCE AND SPENT HOURS WATCHING BORING SH1ZZ TO GET THE TRUTH. If you want some proof, Here's just a little taste of what I found that you won't find on mainstream TV There is sooo much more that I have so many things that are being covered up. The so called conspiracy theory has been PROVEN, but still laughed away from the left. Just open your eyes and watch.
Doesn't the link say the election was the most secure in history?


Audioholic Spartan
Republicans are not the problem, it's people that are brainwashed like yourself and do not see that both parties are being controlled by the corporate elite and the whole battle between red and blue is just a smoke screen to confuse the real issues and polarize us. Which you have fallen for hook, line and sinker. So before you offend 80 million voters that weren't dead or voting twice, maybe think twice about perspective and tact. Besides, isn't this an audio forum. You're in the wrong forum for this b.s. Go to Reddit where they are all brainwashed like yourself.
Republicans, and Republican voters are also the problem. They embraced a narcissist who speaks as if he has a megaphone duct taped to his mouth. They don't "get" that your behavior and character is the other half of qualities in a president. Presumably because they live & breath to ownthelibs. Trump escalates hate with his hate speak. There's literally never a moment where he isn't hating in front of the mic. Trump’s supporters are probably addicted to it like crack. It's dumb and needs to end. I'd recommend finding a different Republican to believe in, but it's like a cult. They can't be reasoned with.


Audioholic Warlord
Indicted on 7 charges in Florida
This is irrelevant.

It shouldn't be. But it is.

Conservative Christians know that Trump is a whorebag cheater, yet they praise him as being sent as a savior from God.
Morality goes out the window with him. In droves.
Hypocrisy of the people runs so insanely deep when it comes to Trump, that his junkies will never seek rehab.

Do I think that this is political? Absolutely. Do I believe that he broke the law? Yup! But, this investigation has taken far too long, and I struggle, greatly, with the timing. This indictment needed to happen a couple of years ago. It needed to happen WELL before he announced his run for president again. His trial needed to be over already. If he was going to be found guilty and locked up, it needed to already occur.

At this point, he could be locked up, thrown in jail, even executed, and his minions would still vote for him.

What's worse, he would still likely win the primary.

Biden, as the incumbent, makes sense that he will get the nod for the next term. It's typical. He isn't the best choice, but if it is Biden or Trump, then he is certainly the BETTER choice. I continue to believe that Biden didn't win the election in 2020... Trump just LOST the election. Trump brought out the voters who wanted to be damn sure that the unthinkable didn't happen again like it did four years prior. I believe the same will happen in 2024.

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