In other news (oh gawd!)



Audioholic Warlord
I got the $1 week onlines to the WSJ and the NY Times. I'm not into the lifestyle stuff. Just politics and gov't. Though what's the diff, eh? I've felt it's best to move around and read different stories. Maybe I'll tire of it and try the Wash Post and Examiner. A bit squirmy about the Daily Mail and NY Post. Their layout comes across as tabloid-y to me. Hopefully I'm wrong. The cost of the WSJ mailed to your door is A LOT more. Give the paywall a try. Most of the free stuff out there is poop.


Audioholic Spartan
C'mon man. One link took me to twitter.:rolleyes: Probably best heard from the WSJ.
so does that mean you think the Biden Admin is doing a stand-up job with regards to the Southern border ? if so perhaps you need to change your flavor of Kool-aid ! ;)


Audioholic Spartan
I got the $1 week onlines to the WSJ and the NY Times. I'm not into the lifestyle stuff. Just politics and gov't. Though what's the diff, eh? I've felt it's best to move around and read different stories. Maybe I'll tire of it and try the Wash Post and Examiner. A bit squirmy about the Daily Mail and NY Post. Their layout comes across as tabloid-y to me. Hopefully I'm wrong. The cost of the WSJ mailed to your door is A LOT more. Give the paywall a try. Most of the free stuff out there is poop.
You need to be a better shopper !! I just recently got a 12 week subscription to the WSJ (paper & digital) for a dollar a week. Renewed if for a year for $22 per month, if you qualify for 'student status' you could get it for even less.


Audioholic Warlord
so does that mean you think the Biden Admin is doing a stand-up job with regards to the Southern border ? if so perhaps you need to change your flavor of Kool-aid ! ;)
How am I suppose to know? I've heard more "attempted" crossings but nothing about more getting in. Faux's idea of showing you the problem: lock a camera down over a river with nothing happening. Oh look! There's a van of a couple, I dunno, immigrants? Being transported into another van. Oh there's 20 people crossing a river. Or ok 100 people waiting in line at a fence with no context. Yeah impressive. Was that 1.2 million in the last year that successfully crossed the border? Dunno. You'd think with all of Faux's resources as a corporation they'd, yanno, be able to SHOW you on a daily basis this huge influx. The laziness amazes me. Could be happening, but they sure as hell aren't convincing me of it.


Seriously, I have no life.
It's not our fault we stuck with "old."
Think in 1850's mindset and PT Barnum's advertising terms- the average vocabulary was very limited and words that were used then would get odd looks if they were used now. 'Grand Old Party' sounds perfectly cromulent if you don't use a modern mind to think about it. What was the average education level at the time, 6th grade?

Here are some PT Barnum sayings and they do make sense.



Seriously, I have no life.
A somewhat strange tale of events in the Pelosi break-in .............

This looks more weird every time I see a new update. PP answered the door, the cops asked if there was a problem and DePape said something like "Everything is fine", then Pelosi went back in for his beating.

I have serious problems with the way the police and news are portraying the attack- they say he was hit "with full force". I don't think so- if he had been hit with full force, we'd be seeing his funeral, not reports that he left the hospital.

Who TF installed those cameras? Bare cable hanging straight down without any protection? That's a hack job.


Audioholic Warlord
A somewhat strange tale of events in the Pelosi break-in .............

Hot Air-- no you can't make this up. The story just might be full of hot air. I clicked on the twitter link and NBC said Nancy wasn't home. Meaning security might have dropped their guard since she's the famous one in the household. Who knows.....

What actually transpired at the Pelosi household last week? We know the basics: a nutcase attacked an elderly man and nearly killed him after breaking into the house.

Paul of course turned to the police, then walked back in and said OK, hit me now! All to help Nancy and the Democrats in a few days. Wow, he must truly love her!!! It's called 'taking one for the team.' Maybe he was disoriented, or under stress. Oh wait. Even Full of Hot Air acknowledges this.....

For instance, why would Pelosi have walked back toward DePape after opening the door to the police? Why not tell them he was in danger? NBC provides a couple of speculative opinions to answer the obvious question this report raises, but without any factual substantiation. They bring in a former FBI analyst to essentially claim that fear makes people do strange things, which may be true but still leaves the conclusion that it was a strange thing to do. The easiest thing to do would have been to walk the other way and tell officers of the danger inside. That would be even more true in the case of an intruder than, say, a domestic-violence situation, where the “fear makes you do strange things” explanation might apply more.

Can you believe the utter word salad of the middle part?!?! They acknowledge an FBI analyst (ie an "expert") says fear makes you do strange things but concludes that it was a strange thing to do!!! Unreal!!!


Audioholic Warlord
Their synopsis at the bottom even gives away their conspiracy agenda. Jeez, could you imagine the conservatives as the victim in all of this???:rolleyes::confused::(

For decades, the liberal media has attacked conservatives and provided cover for democrats and their big-government, pro-abortion, gun-grabbing, culture-destroying allies. Now, they have big-tech helping them censor conservative viewpoints on behalf of the Biden administration. HotAir must redouble its efforts more writers, more insightful commentary and analysis, and full-throated defense of conservative American values.


Audioholic Warlord
It's the thing that's sad about the conservative conspiracy machine. It's just on to the next conspiracy. You needn't follow through on the previous story and can move on to the next. The War On Xmas, Obama's Birtherism, late-term abortion, minors are given gender surgery reassignment w/o parental consent. You just say they're happening till the plotline has expired its usefulness.


Audioholic Warlord
Think in 1850's mindset and PT Barnum's advertising terms- the average vocabulary was very limited and words that were used then would get odd looks if they were used now. 'Grand Old Party' sounds perfectly cromulent if you don't use a modern mind to think about it. What was the average education level at the time, 6th grade?

Here are some PT Barnum sayings and they do make sense.

Yet it's the "modern" Republicans that continue to use old.


Audioholic Warlord
Republicans are conserving America from Democrats, but there's no particular about conservatism in general. I think a very good litmus test is asking Republicans when was the last time you heard anyone say the word capitalism? Their primary principle.


Audioholic Warlord
Republicans are conserving America from Democrats, but there's no particular about conservatism in general. I think a very good litmus test is asking Republicans when was the last time you heard anyone say the word capitalism? Their primary principle.
Socialism doesn't pay for itself; Capitalism does.

All kinds of little anecdotes that can be used.


Audioholic Spartan
I was number 381 at the polls this morning, beautiful day to vote here in Pa, might go for second this afternoon ! ;)


Audioholic Warlord
Voted early again this year. I think it took me longer to get to the polls than it did to actually vote. I was there maybe 10 min.

My wife went later in the day and it took her an hour, but that's still not terrible.

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