Allow me to share a personal experience. About 7 years ago, the Wisconsin chapter of the KKK petitioned the Minnesota state government to allow them to hold a rally - on the steps of our capitol. It sickened me that our government would allow such a thing to take place, but they did allow it on the predication of “freedom of speech”. Not surprisingly, the local radio & news stations reported on the story before the rally took place. And so, I decided to go to the rally in protest of what these (and I use the term loosely) people had to say.
They brought a PA system & propaganda with them as they tried in vain to recruit new members. The chicken **** bastards even brought their own young children to use as shields.
I was on the other side of a police barricade with over 2000 people all telling these people they were not welcome, and no one wanted to hear their hate propaganda. At the end of their rally, one fact became quite clear - even with their PA system, the crowd on the other side had been so loud, not one word these idiots spewed had been heard. Their entire reason for being there was moot. As they made their way back to their cars, they were chased by angry protesters who let them know in no uncertain terms never to come back.
Afterwards, I wondered if the lesson that the oppressor had become the minority, hated and chased, was lost on these people.