I would like to thank the American people



Senior Audioholic
He lost because of George Bush, plain and simple. Only a small percentage of the weak Conservatives were swayed ... McCain still got 48% of the vote.
How could I have forgotten to list the idiot Bush? Of course that's a contributing factor also!

Please quote where I said it was bad to be a Muslim.
The implication is there.

You're clearly unversed in the ties between Islam and Black Liberation Theology.
Perhaps, but you're starting to sound like that other guy that quit making sense after 5 or 7 posts.

Good luck!


Full Audioholic
The implication is there.
No it's not, if you want clarification then ask for it. But don't me what I'm trying to imply. I have no affiliated religion myself, and have no condemnation of any. Radical Christianity is just as bad as Radical Islam, but the vast majority of any religion does not fall into the radical fringe.

Probably, but you're starting to sound like that other guy that quit making sense after 5 or 7 posts.

Good luck!
The point about Black Liberation Theology and Islam is that the two exist together in practice, so Obama could attend that church and openly be a Muslim ... he wouldn't have to 'secretly' be a Muslim.

And again, I have NO problem with whatever his faith is. But be honest about it. He preaches change but practices politics as usual - create a truth that's must acceptant to the populus. And his stance on guns is just another example of how he's no different than any other two-faced politician.


No, it's not. Marriage IS a Religious institution, period. I have no problem with some sort of union for gays, and them having equal rights under that union, but it can't carry the title marriage.
Actually marriage is a state sanctioned contract that can be executed by a ordained member of clergy.

You WANT to believe that gays are gay because of a biological condition from birth, but you can't prove it.

You're no more enlightened because you have lots of gay friends and carry the torch of equality for them. All that means is that the word of the Bible carrys no weight with you ... and that you're a product of social engineering.
I don't want to believe anything blindly (unlike others here).

Currently there is more scientific evidence for the biology of sexual preference than some invisible guy in the sky and the religion that has sprouted up around that notion.

Just in case you care about being informed:

An Evangelical's Concession on Gays

A difference in hypthalmic structure between heterosexual and homosexual men

Sexual orientation and the size of the anterior commissure in the human brain

Again, try picking up a book other than the bible. Then you can come back and speak with me about enlightenment.

The biggest thing an uneducated person fears is the educated person.


Audioholic Warlord
I never asked God what he feels about politicians......

But another thing, a large percentage of people around here is very positive to the outcome of the election and really believe that this will provide a positive long sought after change, and that this will be positive to how US as a country is looked upon from the outside....

About civilized countries: I don't think it will change in any way how people here look at the American people, in general. (I won't repeat myself from other posts)


Audioholic Samurai

I had a response but I'm done with this thread. Congrats Obama, and may we have a great four years of progress united as one regardless of our feelings about Obama.

Much love!
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adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
All that means is that the word of the Bible carrys no weight with you ... and that you're a product of social engineering.
I cannot let this comment go by. Are you kidding? Religion is social engineering at its most extreme form. Do you not look at how you were taught about religion? You were socialized into that belief system by your parents and family. You were not born believing in God.


Full Audioholic
Alright, you guys are taking the predictable turn of making me out to be the intollerant one ... and purposefully being offensive, so I'll bow out now. Once that happens, I have no interest in continuing.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Alright, you guys are taking the predictable turn of making me out to be the intollerant one ... and purposefully being offensive, so I'll bow out now. Once that happens, I have no interest in continuing.
Why because we asked you to defend your comments?


Alright, you guys are taking the predictable turn of making me out to be the intollerant one ... and purposefully being offensive, so I'll bow out now. Once that happens, I have no interest in continuing.

You made some pretty outrageous statements about social-engineering and lack of proof. What did you expect?

One of my favorite lessons from scripture is about removing the splinter from thy own eye before removing the log from thine brother's.

This particular passage isn't referring to hypocrisy. It is referring to that notion that your own vision has to be clear. That you need to understand your own path that you walk as well as others. That you can't possibly assist another when your own judgment is clouded.

That passage is not telling you not to do so but simply asking you not to go blindly forward.

There is a ton of compassion in the bible. Jesus and the new testament is in many ways an attempt to right the wrongs of old testament teachings.

Jesus like many other great men and women was thus 'awarded' for his paradigm shifting philosophies (Ghandi, Dr. King).


Audioholic Samurai
You stick with the Bible, I'll stick with science.
I'm not sticking with any Bible! I am a man of science myself, an engineer to be exact, who prescribes to no religion whatsoever. I just don't get my panties all up in a wad over someone else's right and option to express their religious beliefs in public, or who chooses to follow the moral examples outlined in such texts! :confused::eek: Sorry you continue to miss my point, apparently I am not making myself clear enough... :rolleyes:


Audioholic Samurai
But another thing, a large percentage of people around here is very positive to the outcome of the election and really believe that this will provide a positive long sought after change, and that this will be positive to how US as a country is looked upon from the outside....
Not everyone around here... ;) :D


Audioholic Warlord
Not everyone around here... ;) :D
He he he, I found it best to stay calm and away from this discussion :cool:
Looks like a fist fight coming up right soon now :p

I really don't know what's best for your country, what I know is that the only thing that really helps is to work bloody hard :D

I did that myself and things don't come to you.... you go and get it yourself
I did and now life is smiling to me :D


I'm not sticking with any Bible! I am a man of science myself, an engineer to be exact, who prescribes to no religion whatsoever. I just don't get my panties all up in a wad over someone else's right and option to express their religious beliefs in public, or who chooses to follow the moral examples outlined in such texts! :confused::eek: Sorry you continue to miss my point, apparently I am not making myself clear enough... :rolleyes:
Sorry Halon,

I sincerely am not understanding what you are getting at then...


Audioholic Jedi
He he he, I found it best to stay calm and away from this discussion :cool:
Looks like a fist fight coming up right soon now :p

I really don't know what's best for your country, what I know is that the only thing that really helps is to work bloody hard :D

I did that myself and things don't come to you.... you go and get it yourself
I did and now life is smiling to me :D
I agree. Lets remember this started with a gracious post from Darien.

People are moving away from logic and falling back on ideology. This thread is proof enough of its harm. Time to shut this one down!


Audioholic Slumlord
The biggest thing an uneducated person fears is the educated person.
Not true at all. I was sure that blanket statements were, well, beneath you.

One of my favorite lessons from scripture is about removing the splinter from thy own eye before removing the log from thine brother's.
Not that it matters but I think you have that one backwards. I thought it meant that before you go nit picking at the minor imperfections in others, fix your own enormous flaws.

I think I'll put that one to use. I'm not trying to crack wise. I just thought a little correction was in order.

Your welcome, :)


Not true at all. I was sure that blanket statements were, well, beneath you.

Not that it matters but I think you have that one backwards. I thought it meant that before you go nit picking at the minor imperfections in others, fix your own enormous flaws.

I think I'll put that one to use. I'm not trying to crack wise. I just thought a little correction was in order.

Your welcome, :)
No problems. Some of this stuff is plumbed up from distant memory. But I like the message that it delivers and have always taken this interpretation of it to heart.

Yes, the uneducated blanket crack was in poor taste. My sincere apologies to any offended. I should have kept it above table.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja
Thank you TLS

I agree. Lets remember this started with a gracious post from Darien.

People are moving away from logic and falling back on ideology. This thread is proof enough of its harm. Time to shut this one down!
I had mentioned that eariler in his thread! What I don't understand is why Matt locked down a similar thread citing the exact same reasons found within this before it even started (race, politics and religion) which we all know never yeild a level headed discussion.


Audioholic Samurai
Sorry Halon,

I sincerely am not understanding what you are getting at then...
No worries - I'm in and out of this discussion with a million things going on here at work, so my thought processes may be a little scattered. I'll try to sum up what I'm saying better, later. :eek:

EDIT: If this thread isn't locked by then... :D
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Senior Audioholic
It has been shown the gays have biological differences; in other words, you don't become gay through environmental causes. I can't understand how God would instill a gay soul on someone and then forbid that behavior. It also baffles me that humans will soon be able to perfect genetic code through engineering which God has not been able to do. I see three conclusions; God does not exist; God is no longer watching and moved on a long time ago; or God isn't benevolent which makes me question his/her's true motives.

Have you ever read the Bible? God created man with the freedom of choice/ free will. Man has chosen to be imoral. God didnt creat man that way. No matter how much people try and legitimize or explain away the choice to be Homosexual. The fact remains Humans arent born being homosexual. And to use gay is only a perversion of the word. Gay doesnt mean Homosexual.

I seen some stats on CNN and Obama pulled more white votes than most of the white Democrats in the History of our country. That tells me that race wasnt a big part of why he got elected. I feel that America would have elected a black man sooner if a qualified black man would have ran. Im not saying i voted for Obama, although he is very qualified to be POTUS. Im just saying that he is head and shoulders above any other black man that has run for president in my time. 35yrs.....


Congrats to Obama and the Dem party!!! :)

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