I have an asnwer on this one. Women don't watch for entertainment reasons, they watch to take notes. Seriously, where men will act out in an instant, women are methodical and will plan, organize, and eventually get her revenge. The old Kilingon proverb "Revenge is a dish best served cold" yeah a women had to come up with that one.
Here you go ask 100 women if what Lorena Bobbett did was right. 100 out of 100 will not only tell you what Lorena did was justified, but they'll tell you how her tossing John Wayne's "member" out the window was the wrong thing to do and they'll give you 100 different scenarios that would make a hardened criminal cringe while covering the "boys". I have heard things like, garbage disposal, blender on "puree" and Vince's "Slap-Chop" to a hungry pitbull and steak sauce.
So a women will watch WE and Dateline Investigates not for amusement but to take notes and see where the victim went wrong in planning out their "revenge" Trust me when my GF watches "CSI" you can almost see the wheels moving in her mind and you get the occasional "Hmmmmm" ever so softly leave her lips.

(yes I sleep with one eye opened)
My GF asked me once if the house was on fire, who would I rescue first the dogs or her, and when I told her the dogs, I got to listen to her beyatch for the next half hour about what an insensative pig I am. My response, "Honey we live in a one story house, I would hope your smart enough to crawl out a window, where a dog isnt smart enough to open a window."
I swear Satan tempted Eve on purpose (probably out out of respect). Now in my house I have a deal with my GF, if she promises never to bring up the tiolet lid thing, I promise not to pi$$ on the seat. Has worked out so far.